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他们为病人洗便桶。They clean out their commode.

现在的便桶有什么问题吗?So what exactly is wrong with the current commode?

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他从抽斗柜上跳下来,拿起他的帽子。He leaped down from the commode and seized his hat.

无论厕所还是猫都会干净的闪闪发光。Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean.

轮椅、厕椅、病床、助行器、拐杖。The main products are wheelchairs, walkers, sticks, commode chairs, hospital beds etc.

这是一个回转的概念,其中一方具有小便池和其他静坐式马桶。It's a turn-around concept, where one side features a urinal and the other a sit-down commode.

整个系统实际运行效果稳定,操作方便,能满足节水型便器检测系统的应用需要。The application results show this system can meet the requirement of seat commode ware testing equipment.

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髹金漆柜是欧洲王宫贵族之家不可或缺的装饰要角之一。The lacquer commode was an ornamental requisite that any European royal household just could not do without.

这座曼哈顿岛上的摩天大楼有一个对称双螺旋形的顶,就像18世纪奇彭代尔式的五斗柜。Completed in 1982, this Manhattan skyscraper has a cap of symmetrical curls like those on an 18th-century Chippendale commode.

车架阳极氧化,沉降式硬座垫,8″宽前轮,24″后轮,双支撑,附安全带,带便桶,送餐桌板。Aluminum oxidation frame, hard cushion, 8" wide front caster and 24"rear wheel, double brace, with safety belt, commode and dinning board.

公司负责人说,在遇到例如地震等重大灾难或堵车时,这款便携式马桶就可以派上用场。The commode will come in handy during major disasters such as earthquakes or when you are caught in a traffic jam, a company official said.

他把女儿囚禁在房屋后面的一个小厨房里,逼她们睡木板床,用老式便桶。They were kept in a small kitchen in the back of the family house, forced to sleep on wooden beds and use a commode instead of a modern toilet.

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本厂是生产轮椅、座厕车、座厕椅、助行架、拐杖、手杖、肘拐等系列产品的专业企业。Brief introduction Our factory is specialized in producing series products of wheelchair , commode wheelchair, commode chair , walker, crutch, stick and arm crutch etc.

主妇或年轻的白领总会嫌卫生间的洗脸台不够用,女人的衣柜要足够宽敞,女人的洗脸台也要有足够大的容量。Housewife or young white-collar always can disrelish the commode of toilet to be used not quite, feminine chest wants enough and capacious, feminine commode also should have enough large size.

他把书胡乱塞进内兜,脚趾尖撞在破脸盆架上,朝着那股气味的方向奔出屋子,以慌慌张张的白鹳般的步子,匆忙冲下楼梯。He fitted the book roughly into his inner pocket and, stubbing his toes against the broken commode , hurried out towards the smell, stepping hastily down the stairs with a flurried stork's legs.