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对于她的国家,她也怀有同样的优雅与整洁的情愫。She applied the same sense of grace and neatness to America.

因我不爱整洁姐姐又向我没完没了地劝告。My sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness.

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宁静、素洁、朴实的感觉,真真切切地复活。The feeling of tranquility, neatness and simplicity revives vividly.

这和日本人更广泛的整洁观和秩序观倒是很搭配。This fits in with the larger Japanese attitude of neatness and order.

能把松驰且端面不整齐的卷料重卷为紧实整齐的卷料。This machine can rewind the web from flabbiness to firmness and neatness.

贝丝是整洁庭院的会长,它是一个组织公司。Beth Holland is president of Neatness Courts, a home organization company.

然而在学校越来越不重视书法的情况下,似乎连整洁也成了奢求。But with the declining emphasis in schools, neatness is becoming a rarity.

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为有在膝盖下方长袜破的一个洞影响了她无懈可击的整洁。Only a snag down the knee of her tights leavens her impenetrable neatness.

保持工作场地的整齐整洁。Maintain the working area in good condition in terms of neatness & orderliness.

切纸锯板的设置使撕纸后断面整洁美观。The paper cutting saw plate makes section neatness and beauty after being tore.

此海报异常地吸引,包括设计、层次及整洁度等三方面。The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness.

房间是有那么点儿小,但是论清洁程度的话绝不亚于4星的。Rooms are bit small but when it comes to neatness it was nothing short of a 4 star hotel.

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记住要这样做,我们做这些事情并不只是为了整洁。Remembering to do these things when we’re done with the activity isn’t just about neatness.

唐尼煞费苦心工工整整地在黑板上抄写题目,并且把第一行的答案填了出来。Donnie had copied the problems with painstaking neatness and filled in answers for the first row.

希尔在这本书中用大量的篇幅谈到整洁的着装和个人习惯的重要性。Hill makes a great deal in this book about the importance of neatness of attire and of personal habits.

在质量上,她不许我们有错别字,在书写上,她要求我们字迹工整,卷面整洁。On quality, she forbade us to have wrong character, in writing, she asked us write neatly and neatness.

它旨在通过智力训练提高人们思维的严整性和论证的纯粹性。Through intelligence training, it can improve the neatness of thinking and the purity of demonstration.

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也许你会认为在现代社会中每个人都那么讲究整洁和个人卫生。You might think that all modern societies would have the same neatness and personal cleanness practices.

无毛品种的脸和耳朵允许有毛,但为了整洁,两个品种都可能修剪这部分的毛。Hair on the ears and face is permitted on the Hairless and may be trimmed for neatness in both varieties.

保持办公室内整洁。每天打扫一次办公桌面、地面,每周彻底清扫一次卫生。Keep neatness in the office. Clean the desktop and floor once a day. Make a thorough clearing once a week.