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山药有纤体、降血糖的功用。Yam have slimming, fall blood sugar function.

青岛哪的烤紫薯最好吃?。Which scorching purple yam has meal in Qingdao best?

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岛上有金龟亭、二王亭、观音阁。Island beetles Pavilion, the Wang Ting, Kwun Yam Club.

对菏泽鸡皮山药营养成分进行了系统分析。The nutrient content was analysed in Jipi Chinese Yam.

任达华和吴君如都有着不俗/惊人的表现。Simon Yam and Sandra Ng both gave stunning performances!

世袭荫叙制的影响。Fourth, the system of hereditary characteristics Syria Yam.

研究山药用机械包装的可行性。To study the availability of machine packaging Chinese yam.

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古代文献均认为山药能补虚、益智、延年、疗疾。Ancient literature, Chinese yam can thinké, puzzle, Yannian,.

热带美洲薯蓣科植物,有黄皮的可食块茎。Tropical american yam with small yellow-skinned edible tubers.

兰州蕨菜的主要产地在榆中南山的二阴地区。Lanzhou fern in the main origin of the Yuzhong Nanshan Yam area.

气短体虚弱,煮粥加山药。Common yam rhizome porridge treats short breath and weak physique.

陈德霖的经验使他成为任志刚顺理成章的接班候选人。Mr. Chan's experience makes him a natural candidate to succeed Mr. Yam.

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很快,亚姆解放,露西亚人开始围攻伊万格罗德和纳尔瓦。Soon Yam was liberated and Russians were besieging Ivangorod and Narva.

实际上,在以色列,人们就把这个地方叫做盎哈梅拉,在希伯来语中的意思是“盐海”。In fact, in Israel they call it Yam ha-Melah, which is Hebrew for Salt Sea.

马铃薯是热带美洲薯蓣科植物,有黄皮的可食块茎。Potato is a tropical American yam with small yellow- skinned edible tubers.

养生饮料-青草茶、蔓越莓汁、石莲花汁、山药牛奶、综合莓果汁、青花椰菜汁等。Juice, Yam Blended with Milk, Mixed Berry Juice, Green Cauliflower Juice, etc.

山药炭疽病是山药上的重要病害。Yam anthracnose is an important disease for the crop Diascorea opposite Thunb.

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野生山药薯蓣villosa-野生山药放松肌肉的痉挛,降低炎症反应。Wild YamDioscorea villosa- Wild Yam relaxes muscle spasms, reduces inflammation.

本发明公开了一种水山药试管苗诱导微型块茎的培养基。The invention opened a medium of yam tube-seedlings which induce the micro-tuber.

从观音湾到小长城比较容易,它一直向东湾的南面延伸。It's easily reached from Kwun Yam Wan, to the south of the main beach at Tung Wan.