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适宜的烟囱烟雾排放解决方案Suitable Smokestack Smog Solution

我们的木屋有很大的烟囱。Our log cabin has a large smokestack.

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中国已经变成世界工厂,但它也变成了世界的烟筒。China has become the world's factory, but also its smokestack.

偶看见的不过是在不出400英尺的地方,立着个20层楼高的大烟囱。What I can see, not 400 feet distant, is a 20-story smokestack.

1948年,这些西装笔挺的人们正在观看一台利用烟囱调节烟雾的实验性设备。Men in suits watch an experimental smog-control device on a smokestack in 1948.

在埃奈尔为该项目作的广告中,显示的是一位年青姑娘擦除了电厂的烟囱。Enel advertisements for the project show a young girl erasing a plant’s smokestack.

而且,烟囱离我们的鼻,肺几千里远,而尾气管和我们仅几米之隔。And the smokestack is many kilometers away from the nose and lungs of the commuters.

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一纸禁令关闭了所有建筑工地和有烟囱的工厂,这就迫使雇主为失业的工人做出赔偿。A ban on construction work and smokestack emissions has forced employers to pay furloughed workers.

关闭建筑工地以及冒烟产业的规定迫使雇主付费给暂时休假的工人。A ban on construction work and smokestack industries has forced employers to pay furloughed workers.

燃煤发电所排放的灰烬和烟雾都是有毒物质。Both the combustion ash and the smokestack residue from coal-burning power plants are extremely toxic.

它还更换了公司图形标志,之前的看起来像个烟窗图像,换成了一个更为柔和与明亮的标志。It exchanged its old corporate logo, which literally had a smokestack symbol, for one that was softer and brighter.

信息和娱乐业正代替浓烟工业,在经济中充当创造财富的新型手段。Information and entertainment is replacing the smokestack industry as the new major methods of creating wealth in the economy.

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景观大部分是空的,直到一个高大的烟囱出现在地平线上,上述领域的增长成垂直的黑线。The landscape is mostly empty until a tall smokestack appears on the horizon, growing into a vertical dark line above the fields.

研究人员还找到了加工酶的新方法,这种方法让酶可以在火力发电厂烟道中的高温环境下发挥作用。The researchers developed new ways to engineer enzymes that can operate at the high temperatures inside a coal plant's smokestack.

例如亚马逊的植物,持有一千亿吨的碳量,相当于重工业和排气管15年的排射量。Amazon flora, for instance, holds more than 100 billion metric tons of carbon, equal to 15 years of tailpipe and smokestack emissions.

如今,恐慌已经过去,初步迹象显示,中国政府正计划再次推动污染严重的本国经济提高能效。Now the panic is over, there are tentative signs that it is planning another push to improve the efficiency of its smokestack economy.

带有PAH的煤灰和排出的废气,从这个发电厂85公尺高的烟囱里冒出来,像张厚毯子般笼罩著这座城市。PAH-laden ash and exhaust gases would pour out of the plant's 279-foot smokestack and settle over the low-lying city like a thick blanket.

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那让多座城市都处于破产边缘。托雷多,看到自己的重工业在底特律的麻烦中消失,转而做了一些事。That has left entire cities on the brink. Toledo, seeing its smokestack industries disappearing in Detroit's troubles, did something about it.

燃煤发电厂也安装了西门子制造的净气器,提取从工厂烟囱中排出的灰尘和二氧化硫。The local coal-fired power plant also installed a scrubber made by Siemens that extracts dust and sulfur dioxide from the facility's smokestack.

当大和沉没时,一些漂浮在倾斜的烟囱附近的不幸船员则被吸入了这个巨大的活棺材里。Swimmers unfortunate enough to be near Yamato's raked smokestack were caught in the massive suction created by the huge open funnel as the ship went under.