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甚至连种族歧视现在也是自反性的。Even racism is now reflexive.

盛田昭夫认为这是种族主义偏见在作怪。He was suggesting the reason was racism.

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那种比如说种族歧视的行为。Behavior that would fall under say, racism.

所以人类唔应该有种族歧视呢样嘢嘅。And racism shouldn't exist in the human race.

现在他已以“种族歧视”为由起诉警方。Now Ngobeni has accused the police of racism.

你想向你的孩子解释神秘主义吗?Do you want to explain racism to your toddler?

你怎样真正的降低来自种族歧视的压力?How do you really reduce the stress of racism?

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这仅仅是一个老式的种族主义的替身。This is just a proxy for old-fashioned racism.

在反对种族歧视的斗争中我会绝对尽心尽力。I am very committed in the fight against racism.

但是,乔·克里斯玛斯已然被种族主义非人化了。But Joe Christmas has been dehumanized by racism.

甚至连种族歧视现在也是自反性的。Even racism is now reflexive.Consider the Balkans.

相反,有些白人把这种新情绪看成是种族主义。Some whites see this new mood as racism in reverse.

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你在讨论种族主义的时候不可能将三K党排除在外。And you can't discuss racism and not include the Klan.

在这个问题上,你将如何区别爱国主义和种族主义?How, for that matter, do you distinguish it from racism?

除了“性别歧视”和“种族歧视”外,现在还应再加一条“相貌歧视”。We should add the bias of "lookism" to sexism and racism.

他有权力施行他的种族主义和反宗教信仰自由主义。He had the power over his racism and his anti-religionism.

把这些仅仅归结为白人种族主义不甚公平。It is not fair to attribute all this only to white racism.

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种族歧视在西班牙足球界一直是一个充满争议的话题。Racism has been a controversial issue in Spanish football.

我一辈子都在同种族主义和偏见作斗争。I've spent a lifetime fighting against racism and prejudice.

这句口号和后来的社会达尔文主义种族观几有遥相呼应之势。It struck powerful echoes in a time of social Darwinist racism.