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云朵又迅速聚集起来。The clouds speedily gathered again.

这种苛刻标准帮助公司迅速成长。That rigor helped the company grow speedily.

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加快提升沿边开放水平。We will speedily open up border areas wider.

兰初,快见过宋夫人。Orchid opening once saw Sung a madam speedily.

军官不再坚持,很快也退了下去。The officer did not persist, and retired speedily.

七宝觉得自己快崩溃了。Seven treasures feel namely oneself collapsed speedily.

邮箱太大,处理速度慢而且还不可靠。Our mailboxes were too big for them to handle speedily and reliably.

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数据验证表明,此迭代算法收敛快。The data test shows that this iterative algorithm converges speedily.

它开始飞快地摇头,把老鹰们甩得东摇西晃。He started to shake his head speedily and shook the eagles to and fro.

其中一条靠岸的船上的油灯爆炸,火势迅速蔓延。A lamp exploded in one of them near the shore and the fire speedily spread.

他手里的钱,来得容易去得快,都胡吃海喝了。The money he had got easily was all squandered speedily on wining and dining.

除了雪地里拿一枝快被雪掩埋的梅花。In counting to take in snow ground a be speedily buried by snow of plum flower.

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朱庇特唯恐用火烧会危及天宫本身,就决定用洪水淹没地球,转瞬间洪水就把地球上的人和他们的财物席卷而去。Speedily the race of mean and their possessions, were swept away by the deluge.

他说快把您的孩子接来,您的身体就好了。He said that your child was to be brought speedily , that would restore your health.

大家说干就干,雷厉风行,两天就栽种了三千棵树苗。They worked vigorously and speedily and planted three thousand young trees in two days.

他说快把您的孩子接来,您的身体就好了。He said that your child was to be brought speedily. That that would restore your health.

他直起腰身,用手指快速地从绕线轮上放出尼龙线。He straightened his back, his fingers freeing nylon line from a speedily revolving reel.

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我们研究许很多适当的方法来达到有效执行经理决策的目标。We concerted on the most proper methods for speedily executing the manager's instructions.

实践证明这种方法能够迅速、准确地确定样品中的甘草酸铵的含量。This method can be used to measured the ammonium glycyrrhetate content speedily and exactly.

但他很快又想到,既然拿的是一张黄护照,所谓自由也就是那么一回事。He very speedily perceived what sort of liberty it is to which a yellow passport is provided.