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爱是相伴、仁善和友情吗?Is it of companionship, kindliness and friendship?

好的行为应受到奖励,坏的行为应受到惩罚。Kindliness should be reward,bad behavior should be punish.

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奶奶出现在亮光里,是那么温和,那么慈爱。Grandmother appeared in the light, so mildness and kindliness.

奶奶出现在亮光里,是那么温和,那么慈爱。Grandma appeared in the light, she was so gentle and kindliness.

似乎在分享着约翰·桑德的仁慈与宽容。They seemed to share the kindliness and largeness of John Thornton.

于是他忽然出乎意外地流露出父亲般温柔的微笑。And suddenly he smiled a quite unexpected smile of fatherly kindliness.

我想,我对伯顿印象最深之处主要还是这个人的和善。I think the chief thing that struck me about Burton was his kindliness.

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“厚道,勤奋,务实”是企业的核心理念。" kindliness , diligence and pragmatics" are the core concepts of the enterprise.

马撒慢慢抬起头,映入眼帘的是张陌生的脸,脸上有一双充满慈爱和关注的眼睛。Martha looked up into a strange face and dark eyes alight with kindliness and concern.

弗朗西斯住在一家僻静的旅馆里,患了肺炎。如果没有弗勒善意的照顾,他是活不成的。Francis contracted pneumonia in a lonely hotel and would have died but for the kindliness of Fleur.

猴子似乎有时互相帮助捉跳蚤,这并不在任何可以证明的善意的范畴内。Monkeys, apparently, offer one another fleas at times, but not in any provable spirit of kindliness.

猴子似乎有时互相帮助捉跳蚤,但是这并不在任何可以证明的善意的范畴内。Monkeys, apparently, offer one another fleas at times, but not in any provable spirit of kindliness.

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我们应该选择谁作为我们的朋友有良好的品格,卓越的能力和仁慈的心。We should choose those as our friends who have good character, superior ability and kindliness of heart.

他的教诲认为,人应该培养和善、容忍、与尊敬长者和祖先的这些美德。His teachings held that men should develop the virtues of kindliness , tolerance, and respect for older people and.

他的教诲认为,人应该培养和善、容忍、与尊敬长者和祖先的这些美德。His teachings held that men should develop the virtues of kindliness , tolerance, and respect for older people and ancestors.

但有一件事的的确确超越了这些精心设计的比赛——那就是中国人民的坦诚、亲切和友善。One thing did transcend the studied nature of these Games — the openness and affability and kindliness of the Chinese people.

人们忘记了他的朴素,厚道,只记得他曾私通盗贼,庇护恶棍。The people forget his simplicity and kindliness and remembered only that he had connived with thieves and Sheltered scoundrels.

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她发现这点,并认为这是由于他禀性善良和腼腆,按照她的理解,他对包括她在内的所有的人,都一视同仁。She observed this, and put it down to his general kindliness and shyness, which she supposed would be the same with every one else.

弗朗西斯住在一家僻静的旅馆里,患了肺炎。如果没有弗勒善意的照顾,他是活不成的。病愈之后,他返回美国去了。Francis contracted pneumonia in a lonely hotel and would have died but for the kindliness of Fleur. He recovered and went back to America.

这最终的文书,它普遍性的亲切被偶然闪现的野蛮嘲讽所破坏,呈现出作者的分裂性格。This final essay, its prevailing kindliness marred by occasional flaITs of savage irony, bespeaks the dichotomous character of the author.