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如果说当初我们只是很快地看了一眼这个即将到来的“革命”,那么现在它终于带着神的意旨到来了。The revolution we had fleetingly glimpsed had finally – blessedly – arrived.

生命是相当脆弱的,它像流星一样来去匆匆!Life is fragile enough as it is. It comes and goes fleetingly as a falling star!

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在任何潜在的兴趣点上,镜头都会快速的移开。If there are any potential areas of interest on the periphery, they pass fleetingly.

他曾短暂的在伦敦及南斯拉夫萨拉热窝入高中上学,但很少上课。He enrolled fleetingly in high schools in London and Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, but rarely attended.

夸克与胶子确实打破牢笼而表现出集体行为,虽然这种状态转瞬即逝。The quarks and gluons indeed break out of confinement and behave collectively, if only fleetingly.

这个年代的人们总是浮躁在贪得无厌的金钱中,或是瞬息即逝的快感中。People in this age always lost themselves in endless desire of fortune, or the fleetingly pleasant sensation.

在玛丽这个案例中,当医生询问她的打算时,她的面部特征在一瞬间显示绝望的表情。In Mary's case, her features had fleetingly exhibited despair when the interviewing doctor asked about her plans.

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一缕象牙白如烟的光悄悄从城顶升了上来,扩散着,交织着。A beam of ivory-white light steels up fleetingly from the top of the castle. Like smoke, it spreads and merges into itself.

她用指头蘸了点圣水,在胸前划了个十字,同时,用湿手指尖在干燥的嘴唇上急速地点了一下。She took the holy water on her fingertips and made the sign of the cross, fleetingly touched her wet fingertips to her parched lips.

身体上的美丽是如此短暂,真正的美则长久得多——它是一种生命力,一种能量,从里向外辐射,超越了身体。But physical beauty can only ever be held fleetingly . Real beauty is far greater—it's a life force, an energy, which radiates from within and transcends the physical.

顷刻间,听着他信心满满的声音,我经历了一罕见的顿悟的时刻,我可以看到,飞快地,全世界都将目光倾注在他身上。For just an instant, listening to the absolute confidence in his voice, I experienced a rare moment of insight, i could see, fleetingly , the way the world looked to him.

病患往往无法盯著任一物件太久,在罕见的情况下,他们的眼睛会短暂地追随移动的物体,或是迅速将头转向发出巨响的方位。Typically patients will not fix their eyes on anything for a sustained period, but in rare instances they may briefly follow a moving object or turn fleetingly toward a loud sound.

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接近1/3的学生说,至少一张图片,他们不仅有情感上的反应,而且短暂的在与图片一致的部位感受到了疼痛。Close to one-third of the students said that, for at least one image, they not only had an emotional reaction, but also fleetingly felt pain in the same site as the injury in the image.