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我们如何来完成呢?How do we accomplish this?

您如何来实现这一点呢?How do you accomplish this?

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她似乎没有任何建树。She seems to accomplish nothing.

您是如何做到这一壮举的呢?How did you accomplish that feat?

我们写更多,却学更少。We plan more, but accomplish less.

完成上级领导分配的其他任务。Accomplish the task from the leader.

一项想要完成的事业?A project that YOU want to accomplish?

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今年自己真能完成这个目标吗?Can you really accomplish it this year?

你是如何同时实现这两个目标的呢?How do you accomplish them both at once?

你想要完成什么?在什么时候以前?What do you want to accomplish? By when?

由成如是诸善根故。Because he can accomplish such good roots.

这些就是我们需要完成的任务。These are the tasks we need to accomplish.

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我们有实现这目标的手段。We have the means to accomplish that goal.

他说,伯恩斯已经做到了。And he said Berns managed to accomplish that.

我们花了一个月才行完旅程。It took us a month to accomplish the journey.

要继续工作,直到你达到目的为止。Keepon working until you accomplish your aim.

除非你练习,否则你将一无所成。Unless you practice you'll accomplish nothing.

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使用我们的教练定制,以实现这一目标!Use our Trainer Customizer to accomplish this!

每过一个子关,您会获得一把钥匙。You will won a key by accomplish one sub-stage.

功夫,需要不断努力,不断完善!Gongfu. Hard work over time to accomplish skill.