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旗杆向南倾斜。The flagpole leans to the south.

那支旗竿逐渐变细成尖头。The flagpole tapered off to a point.

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在薄雾中隐隐可见一根旗杆。A flagpole loomed up through the mist.

照片上的旗杆削减。The flagpole cuts across the photograph.

旗杆直竖在地面上。The ground was horizontal to the flagpole.

海军陆战队放置在地面的旗杆。The Marines placed the flagpole in the ground.

纳米比亚的新国旗升到了旗杆顶上。The new Namibian flag was hoisted up the flagpole.

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那就是说,我们纳税人的钱又用来制造特殊旗杆了?So our taxer' dollars went to work reinventing the flagpole?

大多数的建筑物都有悬挂着国旗的旗杆。Most buildings had a flagpole with the national colours flying.

旗杆倒下了,必须用起重机将它扶直。The flagpole toppled over and a crane had to be used to erect it.

这是放置在旗杆顶部的一时代广场的屋顶。It is placed on top of the flagpole on the roof of One Times Square.

不到一分钟的时间,国旗就升到了旗杆的顶部。In less than one minute, the national flag rose up to the top of flagpole.

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遇难学生的家长在旗杆旁留下了香烛和水果等祭祀品。Parents have left candles, incense and offerings of fruit by the flagpole.

有人要求一队数学家去测量一根旗杆的高度。A team of mathematicians were required to measure the height of a flagpole.

今天,我看到了学校里的美国国旗降了半旗。Today I go to school I saw the American flag is in the middle of the flagpole.

旗杆上用五环装饰的奥林匹克会旗迎风摆动。The Olympic flag, decorated with five rings, flutters at the top of a flagpole.

这个旗杆从一个世纪前饭店开业起就一直固定在那里。The flagpole has been a fixture since the building was first opened a century ago.

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立在正中央的旗杆支配着整个广场,毒辣的墨西哥太阳把它的影子拉的长长的。The flagpole dominates the square, creating a long shadow in the intense Mexican sun.

饭店门口上方竖着一个固定的旗杆,上面悬挂着宽大的意大利国旗。Above the entrance is a fixed flagpole. Hanging from the pole is a large Italian flag.

一走出车站,我就看到了站在一根旗杆旁边的他。As soon as I stepped out of the station, I caught sight of him standing near a flagpole.