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科学可以提供工具来恢复一些我们的富余。Science could yet provide the tools to restore some of our superabundance.

我们委员会不需要任何其他帮助。给我们帮忙的人太多了。Our committee doesn't need any more help. We have superabundance of helpers.

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可以看出,货币供给过多是近期物价快速上涨的一个重要原因。The superabundance of money supply is an important reason in price increase.

它虽有盖世的气概,但终不能幸免于死亡。In spite of the superabundance of its martial spirit, it could not escape an early death.

但是,增有余势必是损不足所造成的,这难道还不清楚吗?But is it not clear that superabundance for some is only possible at the cost of the needs of others?

这些大量富余的低息借款并不来自美国,美国人已经多年没有存款的习惯了。That superabundance of cheap money didn't come from Americans, since we haven't been saving for years.

并给予其他不仅满足了我们自然的愿望,但他的幸福满足中过剩。And by granting it He not merely satisfies our natural desire for happiness but He satisfies it in superabundance.

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但铜吸收过多可发生铜中毒,如心律失常,严重时会出现肾功能衰竭、尿毒症、休克等。But absorbing superabundance copper can lead to copper toxicity, inducing arrhythmia, even renal failure, uraemia, and shock.

也可以对两个或两个以上的插件作为一个系统进行数字化,只要保证原先功能的实现就可以。Furthermore, two or plural boards as a superabundance can be designed to digital system, as long as it can achieve the necessary function.

如果他是最完全的,那么较为微小的事物在他以前就不应该存在吗,以便他从丰满与过剩中能够有所选择?If he is the most perfect one, must not what is less perfect precede him, so that he can choose himself out of fullness and superabundance ?

中国的小说观念在其发展的进程中,长期伴随着历史著作的影子,小说被当作是“史之余事”。The concept of novel receives so much influence from historical works in its development that it is regarded as "the superabundance of history".

土壤中盐份过多会危害大多数植物的正常生长,尤其对耐盐性较低的农作物危害更大。Superabundance of salinity in the soil imperils the growth of the mass of plants, especially does more harm to croppers which have lower tolerance to salinity.

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侦查突破口往往选择刑事案件的特定之处、变化之处、细节之处、可疑之处、假象之处、反常之处和多余之处。The breakthrough in the detection always chooses the special parts, change parts, detail, shadiness , feint, deregulation and superabundance of the criminal cases.