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磁悬浮风力收藏家?Magnetically levitated wind collectors?

她总是深为这种颜色所吸引。She was always magnetically drawn to this colour.

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水电气和设备费反磁性。Device charges water electrically and magnetically.

噢,这就是为什么我们必须使用磁性密码支票和存款单的原因。Oh , that's why we must use magnetically encoded checks and deposit slips.

街头小贩的手推车能够很神奇地参与高速汽车追逐Street vendor's carts are magnetically attracted to high-speed car chases.

电力接收垫线圈与主电力线圈是磁耦合的。The receiver pad coils are magnetically coupled to the primary power coil.

在磁力搅拌高压釜内进行了文题的研究。The coal hydroliquefaction is conducted in a magnetically stirred autoclave.

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你们的太阳每天每分钟都在被绘出磁性和重力的印记。Your sun is being patterned magnetically with gravity every second of the day.

磁选尾矿通过重选回收黄铁矿。Purite is recovered by gravity separation from magnetically separated tailings.

对磁约束放电激励技术在N_2激光器上的应用进行了实验研究。In the paper the magnetically confined discharge technique is used to N_2 laser.

可以手持,磁性安装,或通过三脚架固定位置来操作。Can be operated while hand-held, magnetically mounted, or positioned over tripod.

同步迟滞电动机由一个多相缠绕的定子和一个硬磁转子所组成。The synchronous hysteresis motor consists of a polyphase-wound stator and a magnetically hard rotor.

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要做到这点,他们需要依靠一种使用原子磁感云以及激光的技术。To do that, they relied on a technique that used a magnetically sensitive cloud of atoms and a laser.

磁性薄膜活跃在微米范围内的层结构非常精细,磁化毕业。Thin magnetically active layers in the micron range are structured for very fine, magnetized graduations.

文中分析了YIG磁调器件在两种常用输入信号激励下的输出信号频率滞后问题。The frequency hysteresis of the magnetically tuned YIG devices driven by two usual input signals are analyzed.

不过像19英里长的上海磁浮线那样的磁悬浮列车并不会成为首要之选。Magnetically levitated trains such as the 19-mile-long Shanghai Transrapid are not under serious consideration.

它是一种形式的技术,这是常用于银行,以磁读检查和存款单。It is a form of technology that is commonly used in banks in order to magnetically read checks and deposit slips.

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当这些线圈被调节到合适的操作频率,电流就可以通过一个开关控制器转换给这些线圈。Outside the car, a pad containing separate coils or "pick-up" coils get coupled magnetically to the primary coil.

簧片继电器采用一个或多个玻璃密封磁激励接触元件的继电器。Reed Relay. A relay using one or more glass-enclosed, hermetically sealed, magnetically actuated contact members.

介绍了磁绝缘的形成原理以及模拟中采用的基本空间和时间算法。This paper presents the formation of the magnetically insulation and the basic principles of computer simulation.