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不用说,如果你的足部持续疼痛,那么你必须看足科医生了。Needless to say, you have to see a podiatrist if you experience consistent pain in your feet.

避免脚部受伤害,有鸡眼,胼胝或者向内生长的脚趾甲及时请足病医生治疗。Avoid injury to your feet. Have corns , calluses, or ingrown toenails treated by a podiatrist.

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但是,通过快速检查24岁的建筑师史蒂夫的工作鞋,他就没有那么幸运了。But a quick inspection of the 24 -year-old architect'swork shoesof choicedo podiatrist Steve Pribut happy.

上次,他甚至在一家服装店里假装足病医生,以抚弄和吮吸一个女人的脚趾。Last time, he even pretended to be a podiatrist in order to fondle and suck a woman's toes at a clothing store.

但是,通过快速检查24岁的建筑师史蒂夫的工作鞋,他就没有那么幸运了。But a quick inspection of the 24-year-old architect's work shoes of choice do not make podiatrist Steve Pribut happy.

但是当你添加高跟鞋的公式,足病诊疗师斯图亚特莫卧儿时,DPM说,疼痛可迅速升级的损害。But when you add high heels in to the equation, podiatrist Stuart Mogul, DPM, says pain can quickly escalate to damage.

买鞋的第一步是知道你的脚的类型。脚有三种基本类型。尽管只有脚科医生才能精确的分析你的脚型,你一样可以在家…While only a podiatrist can give you a fully accurate analysis of your foot type, you can evaluate yourself at home too.

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如果你试过这些方法却仍然没有改善,那就与你的主治医师或者是脚病专家预约吧。If you try those suggestions and don't see any improvement, schedule an appointment with your primary doctor or a podiatrist.

如果是有流血,清洗干净,用纱布或者毛巾压住,用干净的衣服盖住,尽快去看足医。For bleeding cuts, cleanse well, apply pressure with gauze or a towel, and cover with a clean dressing. See your podiatrist as soon as possible.

解决这个问题的一个办法就是让患者呆在家里,患者需要时,由足病大夫登门服务,使用患者自备的修脚刀具。One way to avoid such problems is for people to stay at home and, when necessary, be visited by a podiatrist who uses the patient's own clippers.

如果上面的建议对你而言都不可行,而且你也找不到脚病医生,你或许可以请你的朋友或者家人帮忙或者在美容店找个专业的修脚师。If none of these suggestions works and a podiatrist is not available, you might ask a friend or family member for help or get a professional pedicure at a beauty shop.

如果同时在进行大腿力量练习,那脚支撑器还不足以让你避开风险,询问脚病医生是否需要一个矫正器。If, in combination with thigh-strengthening exercises, the foot supports are not enough to get rid of the injury, see a podiatrist about whether you might need orthotics.

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很多人以为脚痛是衰老过程的一部分,接受并适应了它,也忍着疼痛走路。“A lot of people think foot pain is part of the aging process and accept it and function and walk with pain, ” said Dr. Andrew Shapiro, a podiatrist in Valley Stream, N.Y.

一个视频团队邀请了一个有恋足癖,一个艺术家,一个塑形师,一个足病医生和其他人员一起为一系列新时尚凉鞋研究并构建理念。An IDEO team invited a foot- fetishist , an artist, a body-worker, a podiatrist and others to work together to explore and build concepts for a new range of fashion sandals.