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不管怎样,你总会长大的。You'll grow up somehow.

不知怎的,他们成了朋友。Somehow they became friends.

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我可以举报作弊者吗?Can i report cheaters somehow?

不知怎的,我和他就是合不来。He and I are somehow out of synch.

福尔摩斯是某种奇怪的人。Holms is somehow a strange person.

你我的情义将天长地久。That I thought would last somehow.

你是说想办法潜行过去?You mean sneak past them somehow ?

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不知何故所明晓的那种真正存在。That somehow I know within me lies.

我们必须以某种方式挽回损失。We must recover our losses somehow.

他知道必须设法做点什么。He knew he must do something somehow.

我们总会有办法让你回来,我保证。We'll get you back somehow. I promise.

非常健康的身体,但是在某种方式上显得又非常脆弱。Very buff, but also vulnerable somehow.

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这种不平衡让人感觉有些不公。And the imbalance feels unjust, somehow.

我无意追寻,但你却不知怎的找到了我。I wasn't lookin' but somehow you found me.

但是不知怎么的,在旅行途中,我弄丢了五份考卷。Somehow in the travel, I lost five of them.

由于某种原因,它不会对我说圣诞快乐。It just doesn\t say Christmas to me somehow.

坐在办公室,心里有些怅然。Sitting in the office, I feel somehow upset.

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不知怎的它脱离了轨道的铺砌道口。Somehow it had veered off the paved crossing.

所谓“不知怎么”的话,顺便说一句,其实是句明白的谎话。The somehow bit, by the way, is a blatant lie.

计算出。So somehow this is going to allow us to get Cv.