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赤道反气旋。Anti- cyclone in the equator.

赤道环绕地球。The equator engirds the earth.

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加拿大是在池袋赤道的北部。Canada is north of the equator.

春分时太阳在赤道上。Equinox means sun is over the equator.

许多河流带着泥沙流向赤道。Many rivers carry silt toward equator.

许多河流带着泥沙流向赤道。Many rivers carry silt toward the equator.

因而水会倾向于由极区往赤道地区移动。Water tends to move from the poles toward equator.

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常下大雨是赤道附近天气的一个特征。Heavy rains are a feature of weather near the equator.

因而水会倾向于由极区往赤道地区移动。Water tends to move from the poles toward the equator.

相反,它们一直在赤道附近摇晃,直到消失。Instead, they wobbled along the equator before fizzling out.

他说最靠近赤道的国家将受损最严重。He says countries closest to the equator will be hardest hit.

赤道东太平洋海温异常和印度洋偶极子有协同作用。So Equator East Pacific SSTA and the IOD have synergic effect.

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马尔代夫位于赤道附近,属热带气候。The Maldives comprises the equator and has a tropical climate.

黄道面与太阳赤道仅有7度的倾斜。The ecliptic surface and the solar equator only have 7 inclining.

玉龙雪山还是全球距赤道最近的冰川。Mount Yulong is also a glacier closest to the equator in the world.

另一个想法是在赤道处,大西洋的海水是滚烫的。Another idea was that at the equator the ocean would be boiling hot.

正因为如此,科氏力,在赤道上不发挥作用。Because of this, the Coriolis force is not in effect at the equator.

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如果我们生活在赤道地区,并在户外工作,通过阳光获取维生素D就非常简单。When we lived closer to the equator and worked outdoors, we were OK.

但是XO-3b的运行轨道却与母星赤道呈异常倾斜的37度角。But XO-3b orbits with a crazy tilt of 37 degrees from its star's equator.

去年夏天,洛伊先生带他的学生去考察位于赤道的一座山峰。Last summer, Mr.Loewi led his stu-dents to inspect a mountain at the equator.