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是代表单轮脚踏车很发光和新。U is for unicycle so shiny and new.

杂技演员骑在独轮车上表演。The juggler performed atop a unicycle.

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向骑单轮车的玩家扔水果现在可以眩晕目标了。Thrown fruit can now proc Daze on a target riding a unicycle.

这个犯人认真的在学骑独轮车在监狱的健身房。An inmate learns to ride a unicycle in the prison gym. Seriously.

香农有时出名是由于他沿着贝尔实验室大厅倒骑独轮自行车——尽管是变戏法。was sometimes known to ride a unicycle down the halls of Bell Labs — while juggling.

这是一种电动交通工具,看起来像是摩托车和独轮车的结合品。It's an electric vehicle that looks like a cross between a motorcycle and a unicycle.

总之,看着骑在独轮车上的黑猩猩,谁又能了解他的真正处境?After all, who could look at a chimpanzee on a unicycle and comprehend its real situation?

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加拿大小伙本·盖拉克发明了世界首辆独轮摩托,此车两轮并排紧靠看似独轮。Canadian Ben Gulak has invented the world's first unicycle motorbike with two wheels side-by-side.

为了实现对于独轮车机器人非线性系统的姿态控制。The nonlinear characteristics in the unicycle robot dynamic system make the robot control much more difficult.

设计了双回路的双轮移动机器人运动目标追踪与避障控制方案。A moving-target tracking and obstacle avoidance control system for unicycle mobile robots is proposed in this paper.

可能你觉得单骑一辆独轮车还不够好笑,那多出一根击球棍和一个球后,你够拉风的了。As if just riding a unicycle didn’t look funny enough, add mallets and balls and you’ve got a truly wacky spectacle.

把一个偏心轮上的袋鼠,骑独轮车可以更容易,和骑手的议案显得更加袋鼠状。Putting an eccentric wheel on a kangaroo unicycle can make riding easier, and the rider's motion appear more kangaroo-like.

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告诉你们,实际上在一个课堂上,我见过教授让一个自告奋勇的人在单轮踏车上演示过。So, I should say, I've seen a lecture where, actually, the professor had a volunteer on a unicycle to demonstrate how that works.

更大的陀螺性能和较低的质心更容易平衡比普通独轮车,但不容易操作。The greater gyroscopic properties and lower center of mass make it easier to balance than a normal unicycle but less maneuverable.

通过对单轮系统的仿真实验与结果分析,证明了所用方法的有效性,并指出该方法更适合驱动一类量子力学系统的状态。The simulation experiment and analysis on the unicycle system are given. The simulation results show that the validity of the method.

研究独轮机器人非完整运动规划问题,提出了一种新的路径规划优化算法。The nonholonomic motion planning problem of the unicycle mobile robot is discussed and a new algorithm in optimizing the unicycle's route is proposed.

一位年轻的发明人创造了一辆异形摩托车,它使用两个车轮,但双轮是并排紧挨着的,使之有了电动独轮车的错觉。A young inventor has created a motorbike with a twist – it uses two wheels but they are positioned right next to each other, giving it the illusion of being a powered unicycle.

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该产品深受国内独轮车爱好者和国际独轮车联盟的好评,也是我国唯一打入国际独轮车联盟市场的产品,并直销美国、德国、日本和香港等地区。"gold medal" brand unicycles are the only chinese products which enter the international unicycle market and have been sold directly to usa, germany, japanese and hong kong etc.

可是,随着节目的进展,我的花样也变得越来越多。我骑着独轮车耍球,我躺着耍球,慢慢站起来而又不让一个球掉下去。But then, as the program progressed, I began to do more and more tricks, juggling while riding a unicycle and while lying on my back, getting back up to my feet without dropping a ball.