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增量螟虫是用来确定树龄的一个。An increment borer is used to determine the age of a tree.

毒素可以帮助农作物抵抗害虫,尤其是玉米钻孔虫。This poison helps the plants resist insect, especially the maize borer.

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这种玉米中含有能够抵御玉米螟的基因。It contains genes that allow it to resist infestation by the corn borer.

简要介绍了用镗滚头加工液压缸内孔的经济效果。The economical benefit of boring by rolling borer is briefly introduced.

欧洲玉米螟是一种经济作物玉米上的常见害虫。The European corn borer is a common pest in this economically valuable crop.

玉米钻心虫是四川玉米上的主要害虫,发生普遍。The corn borer is a cosmopolitau and seriously injured insect pests of corn in Sichuan.

防止花曲柳窄吉丁扩散的努力还包括砍倒受虫害的树。Efforts to stop the spread of the emerald ash borer include cutting down affected trees.

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这种外来的翠绿色的白腊树虫于2002年在密歇根州的底特律市发现。The invasion of the emerald ash borer was first discovered near Detroit, Michigan, in2002.

并结合试验观察,对三化螟进行了螟害程度的研究。The borer degree of T. incertulas was studied in the combination with experimental observations.

近年来,花境在我国各地的城市园林绿化建设中逐渐兴起。In recent years, The use of flower borer in China's urban landscape around the building gradually rise.

抗虫性分析结果表明,部分转基因玉米植株对玉米螟虫有较强的抗性。In the meantime, strong resistance of some transgenic plants to corn borer was showed through bioassay.

白腊树绿甲虫在美国中枉部和远至马里兰地区毁坏了大批的树。The emerald ash borer has destroyed trees in the Midwest and as far east in the United States as Maryland.

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在行为实验中发现,挥发性次生代谢物能够影响亚洲玉米螟一龄幼虫的定向选择和成虫的产卵行为。Large amount of volatile secondary metabolites were also induced by the feeding of Asian Corn Borer larvae.

三化螟为害水稻的过程可以看作一个单输入——单输出系统。The damage process of paddy stem borer to rice plant can be regarded as a single input-single output system.

这转速调节器电路原理图可以控制你的钻机钻孔机或打孔速度。This rotative speed regulator circuit schematic allows to control the holing speed of your borer or driller machine.

天神恩梯古兹知道啦此事,年夜为大怒,派啦多量蝗虫、螟虫来吃地上地庄稼。God grace the ladder of this know it, the ceiling, and sent large Numbers of locusts, borer to eat the grain of the earth.

对玉米螟生命表资料的模拟结果表明,模型具有良好的模拟性能。The simulation results of life table data of Asian corn borer showed that this model possesses good simulation capability.

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介绍了深孔镗床输油器的作用及结构特点,并涉及了一些设计参数。The functions and structure features of the oil feeder on deep-hole borer are introduced, some design parameters are involved.

在实验室内,用人工饲养的玉米螟成虫进行了不同性比的交配试验。Under laboratory conditions, mating tests were carried out with artificially reared moths of corn borer in various sex ratios.

在黑龙江省尚志市和方正县对应用二化螟性诱剂诱杀雄性二化螟成虫进行了试验。Experiment of the effect of sex attractant on rice stem borer was conducted in Shangzhi and Fangzheng of Heilongjiang province.