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储藏磷酸钙。Storage of calcium phosphate.

别名甘是被压抑的钠含量。Byname is Pent-sodium Phosphate.

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磷矿还起胶结剂的作用。The phosphate also acts as a binder.

膦酸酯和膦酰化物。Phosphate Ester and Phosphonyl Compounds.

骨头的主要成分是磷酸钙。Its major constituent is calcium phosphate.

不适用于热水、刹车油、磷酸酯之中。Not suitable for hot water, brake oil, phosphate.

在植物界中,草甘膦起到“伪磷酸盐”作用。In the plant world glyphosate acts as a fake phosphate.

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在夕阳中驶离瑙鲁海滩的散装磷矿石船。Phosphate bulk carrier off the cost of Nauru at sunset.

这种磷肥的主要原料就是磷灰石。The main material of the phosphate fertilizer is apatite.

高浓度的磷抑制植酸酶的合成。Phytase production was inhibited by high level of phosphate.

在金属表面形成的惰性的磷酸盐薄膜。To form a thin film of inert phosphate on the metal surface.

最佳的水合介质是磷酸盐缓冲液。The optimizing hydration medium is phosphate buffer solution.

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球体的核心是一组磷酸亚铁锂晶体,这相当于标准电池材料。The core of each sphere is a crystal of lithium iron phosphate.

在核苷酸内磷酸基总是连接到5'碳部位In nucleotide the phosphate is always attached to the 5' carbon.

钢丝经磷化处理,且磷化层均匀,一致。The wire have been phosphate coated and uniformly, coincidently.

DNA是由脱氧核糖组成了脊梁和磷酸盐。DNA is composed of a backbone made from deoxyribose and phosphate.

E6使用的是“铁电池”,即比亚迪的磷酸铁锂电池。The E6 uses the "Fe," BYD's lithium-ion ferrous phosphate battery.

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炉水加磷酸盐处理,药液加至汽包。Chemical feeding facility will be set for adding phosphate to drum.

残采的铁铝降低了磷矿的含量。Residual amounts of iron and aluminum dilute the phosphate content.

钵状磨矿机至今尚未广泛应用于磷矿的磨碎。Bowl mills have not been widely employed for phosphate rock to date.