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我找您一先令三便士。And one shilling threepence change.

过去,十二便士等于一先令。In former times, 12 pence went to a shilling.

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那种著名的硬币名叫先令,并且它是一种银质的硬币。The prominent coin was called the shilling and it was a silver coin.

她拒不听命于她的父亲,结果她父亲在遗嘱中连一个子儿也没留给她。His father cut her off without a shilling when she refused to obey him.

无论如何,从那一刻起,银先令就被辱骂是仿造的。However, the Silver Shilling was abused as an imitation from that moment on.

相反,Shilling先生认为投资者应持有长期国债。Instead Mr Shilling thinks that investors should own long-dated Treasury bonds.

不断增长的食物成本与索马里先令的大幅贬值还会让情形变得更加恶化。Spiralling food costs and the diving value of the Somali shilling have made things worse.

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虽然这个工作恐怖特性,志愿者依然热情高涨,西林先生说。Despite the grisly nature of the task, volunteers have been enthusiastic, Mr. Shilling says.

即便是她身上有个洞,对于一枚真正的银先令来说这一点毫不重要。Even though there was a hole in her body, it was not important for the real Silver Shilling.

鉴于谢林认为QE3不会出现,因此他对股市的信心也不足。Since he doesn’t believe QE3 is coming, Shilling doesn’t appear to have much faith in stocks.

我们希望它是一个值二十先令的硬币,但现在它在市场上以二十一个先令的价值来交换。We wanted this to be a twenty shilling coin but now in the market it's trading at twenty-one.

一枚刚刚出炉的银先令高兴地喊,因为高兴他发出叮叮当当的声音。Silver Shilling that was just made a moment ago shouted for joy tinkling and jingling herself.

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他付了一先令,把相片带走,到了住处,就把相片带框子烧了。The frame is a very useful one, if you take out the likeness. You shall have it for a shilling.

旅客用手指摸摸了银先令,喃喃地说,“找给我这么个零钱。”The traveler fingered the Silver Shilling and muttered to himself, "I got this coin as change."

例如,他发现富兰克林在伊普斯威奇市的一家工厂里做装饰弧光灯的工作,一星期只赚几个先令。He found franklin, for instance, trimming arc lamps in an ipswich factory for a few shilling a week.

一个女人宁愿要一束草一大笔钱财买的杂草,而不要一篮子花一先令买的玫瑰花。A woman would rather have a bunch of weeds that cost a fortune than a basket of roses that cost a shilling.

对鲜花生意和旅游业的担忧令肯尼亚先令和土耳其里拉仍将面临压力。The Kenyan shilling and Turkish lira would remain under pressure on worries about horticulture and tourism.

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带来“即时搜索”,带来一个全球化的互联社区,也带来傻X卑劣的金钱交易。Bring on "real time search," bring on a globally connected community, bring on vapid, vile, stupid shilling.

该三先令邮票原本应该是绿色,但是1855年出现了黄色的错版。It's believed to be the only surviving misprint of an 1855 three shilling stamp that was supposed to be green.

他从自己一分一厘节省的血汗钱里拿出一笔来,在房顶上安了一个避雷针。At cost of precious money which he had long been saving up, shilling by shilling, he put a lightning-rod on the house.