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骑士先生和伏尔泰曾经会面和交谈是确信无疑的。No one doubts that the Chevalier and Voltaire met and conversed.

这里,莫里斯?勒穆瓦纳阁下很显然,他是骑士会的人。Here, monsignor maurice le moyne. and apparently, he ' s a chevalier.

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其士九江大酒店是由香港其士集团独资经营之四星级酒店。Four-star Chevalier Jiujiang Hotel, is managed by Chevalier Group, Hong Kong.

昆丁深受南方传统的影响,梦想成为一名骑士。Deeply influenced by the Southern heritage, Quentin imagines himself to be a chevalier.

2003年,他成为法国荣誉军团的一名骑士,同年早期被提升为军官。He was made a chevalier in France's Legion of Honor in 2003 and was promoted to officer earlier this year.

她的翻译导致她被命名为一个由法国政府令艺术与文学骑士。Her translations led her to be named a Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters by the French government.

我们都知道骑士先生生活在瑞士的时候把大把的钱都花在了派对和赌博上了。We know that in Switzerland, the Chevalier spent huge amounts of money on parties and gambling, and he had wealth.

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然而最近揭示的证据却表明当时骑士先生曾跟一个瑞士商人借了一大笔钱。However, evidence has recently surfaced that the Chevalier borrowed considerable sums of money from a Swiss merchant.

他获得1900年世博会金质奖章,同年被授予荣誉军团骑士称号。At the Exposition Universelle 1900 he received a gold medal and was made Chevalier of the Legion of Honor the same year.

很明显,骑士先生连续几年记录着他跟伏尔泰的谈话,并在撰写回忆录的时候用到了记载的细节。Evidently the Chevalier kept his notes of these conversations for many years and referred to them when writing the memoir.

他于一九九八年获特区政府颁授金紫荆星章,零五年获法国政府颁授艺术与文学骑士勋章。He was awarded the Gold Bauhinia Star in 1998 and named Chevalier des Arts et Lettres by the French government in 2005. Dr.

委员。1999年,甘佩特女士获得由法国政府颁发的“艺术文学骑士”荣誉。In 1999 Ms. Gumpert was honored by the French government with the distinction of Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters.

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史密斯先生在2000年担任大英帝国官员并在2007年授予农业功勋骑士爵位。Mr. Smith was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in 2000 and a Chevalier del'Ordre du Merite Agricole in 2007.

批评家们指出,骑士先生在威尼斯政界有不少朋友,而这些朋友可以帮他贿赂狱卒。They point out that the Chevalier had a number of politically well-connected friends in Venice who could have offered a bribe.

2008年,他被授予军队荣誉爵士、米兰多拉奖、基尔世界经济奖等多项荣誉。In 2008 he was named Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, awarded the Premio Pico della Mirandola and the Kiel Global Economy Prize.

有在其实先生晚年伴随其左右的人证明,在骑士先生撰写回忆录的时候会常常查找笔记和期刊。Witnesses who lived with the Chevalier in his later life confirmed that he regularly consulted notes and journals when composing the memoir.

巩俐曾在1998年被授予过“骑士勋位”。“但是这次我感觉不同,因为此次是在中国的世博会上,”巩俐告诉记者说。Gong was bestowed with a Chevalier in 1998. "But I felt different this time, because it was the Expo, and it was in China, " Gong told reporters.

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骑士完全有理由向前来拜访的朋友夸口,说他在牧羊人会馆的住所是他的安乐窝,退伍的上尉能象他这么逍遥自在的不多。The chevalier might boast with reason to the friends who visited him that few retired captains were more snugly quartered than he in his crib in shepherd's inn.

安福路168号。亦园由香港其士集团及上海市徐汇区城市建设投资开发有限公司联合投资兴建。No. 168 Anfu Road – Chevalier Place is jointly developed by the Hong Kong based Chevalier Group and Shanghai Xuhui District City Construction, Investment & Development Co.

每逢克拉弗林的大公馆里挤满尊贵的客人时,斯特朗骑士很少出头露面,他宁可找别的地方消遣。When the "grand" company began to fill the house at Clavering Park, the Chevalier Strong seldom intruded himself upon its society, but went elsewhere to seek his relaxation.