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欢迎广大用户惠顾洽谈业务。Users are welcome to patronize us.

我们通常到邻近的商店采买。We patronize our neighbourhood stores.

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欢迎新老客户前来惠顾!Welcome new and old customers to patronize !

经常光顾无烟企业。Patronize businesses with no-smoking policies.

你有没有惠顾过马莎?Have you ever been patronize in Marks & Spencer?

没想老大不小,仍然没人光顾。Thought Laotaibuxiao, still no one to patronize.

欢迎广大新老客户前来惠顾。Welcome to the new and old customers to patronize.

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你会否愿意再次光顾佐丹奴?。Are you willing to patronize in Giordano in future?

你最常在哪个时段光顾粥店?。Which period do you mostly patronize Congee restaurant?

你最常光顾哪一类型的粥店?。Which type of Congee restaurant do you mostly patronize?

许多像他这样的人都比较富裕而且喜欢购买奢侈品。Many of them are well-off Americans who patronize luxury shops.

以下因素会是吸引你去光顾贡茶吗?。The following factor can be attracts you to patronize Gong Cha ?

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我们热诚欢迎各行各业新老用户惠顾!We sincerely welcome new and old customers patronize businesses!

我编构故事,是的,但我没有贬低别人或卑躬屈膝。I'll temper a story, yes. But I won't play down, and I won't patronize.

机会只对进取有为的人开放,庸人永远无法光顾。The opportunity to progress for people to open, mediocre never patronize.

购买食物要有可靠的来源。不要资助违法的饲鹰者。Purchase fresh food from reliable sources. Do not patronize illegal hawkers.

消极的人可能淡化你的想法,无视你,轻视你等等。Negative people tend to downplay your ideas, walk over you, patronize you etc.

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本公司货源充足,价廉品优,欢迎各建筑施工单位惠顾。Product is abundant and price is low, we are looking forward to your patronize.

我经常光顾我的牙医,他有着高超的交流技巧。I go out of my way to patronize a dentist who has excellent communication skills.

谁肯把广告费白白扔在这没人光顾的网站上?Who is willing to throw away the advertising in this website do not patronize people on?