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对这些资产的基本要求是具有适销性。The basic requirement of such assets is marketability.

以下来自专家的8点建议,可让你提高自身市场。Here are eight tips from the experts on increasing your marketability

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大多数的业内人士只是在市场效应方面拿他跟MJ相比较。Most insiders compare him only to Jordan because of his marketability.

这次危机告诉我们,迅速市场化可能是有问题的。This crisis tells us, the rapid marketability possibly has the question.

展览是一种既有市场性也有展示性的经济交换形式。Exhibition is a kind of both marketability also have show sex economic exchange form.

在所具有的市场性与象征性之外,这些形象究竟还有何意义?Do these forms carry any meaning outside of their marketability and token spirituality?

支付义务的自动履行对票据的可流通性非常重要。This autonomy of the payment obligation is essential to the marketability of instrument.

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您需要做的所有有关研究您的产品或服务的适销性。You need to have done all of the research regarding your product or services' marketability.

上市柜别与资本规模于市场性效率存在显著的差异性。In the marketability efficiencies, there is statistically related between capital size and listed.

我觉得技能退化的思想更是一种赌博,更多的可能是与对市场的适应性有关。I think this erosion-of-skills idea is way overplayed. It’s probably much more about marketability.

你还要练习评估和改善网页,以最大化用户方便性和销售性。You'll also practice evaluating and improving websites for maximum user-friendliness and marketability.

而今天,联盟失去了平衡,太过于偏向商业、娱乐和市场。Today, it's out of balance, and it's too much on the biz, too much on the commerce, too much on the marketability.

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股票差价是衡量市场交易活络程度及变现能力的良好指标,也是投资人为求立即变现所付得代价。A bid-ask spread is good measure of marketability and liquidity, and the price investors pay for immediate tradings.

但是中国会展业还处于市场化、产业化的初级阶段,面临着诸多困扰。The MICE industry is on the Initial stage of industrialization and marketability in china, facing many perplexities.

旅游产品的差异化、市场化以及产品开发创新是旅游产品研发的趋势。The discriminability, the marketability and the product innovation is the tendency of the tourism product development.

电力市场的建立是世界范围的电力工业健康发展的必由之路。In the current world, electricity industry is realizing the organizational reform of electric power system marketability.

这种方法提供了一个尺度去评估由于销售性限制和市场流动性不足而带来的潜在成本。The authors expect to provide a benchmark for assessing the potential costs from non- marketability and thinly-traded market.

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试验研究了钾肥不同施用量对嘉定白蒜植株生长、蒜头产量和商品性的影响。Effects of application amount of potassium fertilizer on plant growth, yield and marketability of Jiading Garlic were studied.

股权分置改革后,非流通股转为受限股票,取消受限股票的流通限制而实现全流通是股改后中国证券市场面临的又一重大课题。After the reform of dual-class equity structure, it's a crucial problem to realize the full marketability for the restricted shares.

公司是一家市场化程度非常高的快速成长型企业,产品市场容量大,公司竞争力强。The company is a marketability degree very high fast growth enterprise, the produce market capacity is big, company competitive power.