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小劳勃道尼回来了,显然还戴了一顶时髦的软呢帽。Robert Downey, Jr. is back, with a stylish fedora apparently.

如今,浅顶软呢帽已是潮男们必不可少的休闲着装之一。Today, the fedora is part of the trendy man's casual uniform.

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以我个人来讲,我建议新手选择Ubuntu或者Fedora。Personally, I'd steer a brand-new user to either Ubuntu or Fedora.

离开店之后,我想到的第一件事就是,我可是戴着软呢帽啊。When I left the shop, I was at first self-conscious about wearing a fedora.

Fedora提供了两个程序,使得本地编译包的工作变得更简单。Fedora provides two programs which make it very simple to natively compile your package.

比如说,年轻喜剧演员茱莉·安德鲁,她说自己已经戴了一个月的软呢帽了。Take young comedian Julie Andre. She said she’s been wearing a fedora for about a month.

他的印第安纳·琼斯的夹克和软呢帽都被史密森尼博物馆展出。Both his Indiana Jones jacket and fedora hat are on display at the Smithsonian Institution.

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他身穿大褂,头戴呢帽,这种装束在这一带农村地区显得很不协调。Dressed in a long gown and fedora hat he looked quite out of place in these country regions.

你今天就可以在Fedora下载页面下载这个免费的社区linux发行版本。You can download this free community Linux distribution today from the Fedora download site.

我注意到一定随处可见的软帽放在扶手上,伍迪就是用它来隐瞒自己的身份的。I noticed the ubiquitous floppy fedora he wore to conceal his identity, resting on the armrest.

如果一个人穿的Fedora进入一个会话与夫人,定制要求,他脱他的帽子。If a man wearing a fedora enters into a conversation with a lady, custom dictates that he doff his hat.

根据我早期在Fedora10的工作,Frields是正确的。Based on my early work with Fedora 10, Frields is right. This is one clean, mean cutting-edge Linux distribution.

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他常常出现在门廊里,一顶灰色浅顶软呢帽遮住大半个脸,眼睛扫过整个房屋,寻找滋事的迹象。He would appear in the doorway. A gray fedora was pulled low over his face, and his eyes swept the room for any sign of trouble.

他常常会出现在大门口,灰帽子压得低低的,遮着脸,小眼睛扫视着全屋,查看闹事的迹象。He would appear in the doorway, gray fedora pulled low over his face, his narrow eyes sweeping in the room for any sign of trouble.

一系列高质量版本的发布为Fedora恢复了其作为一个市场上的状态最好的操作系统的地位。A few quality releases was all it took for Fedora to regain its former status as one of the best-loved operating systems on the market.

宽檐软呢帽不仅继承了经典软呢帽的所有优点,而且还增添了更多浪漫,阴柔和复古的元素。Wide-brimmed fedoras not only inherit all the advantages of the classic fedora but also have more romantic, feminine and retro qualities.

许多青年男子现在都选择身穿V领T恤、铅笔裤、大头运动鞋,搭配一顶出人意料的浅顶软呢帽,俨然一副上世纪50年代的美国西海岸风格。Droves of young men add the ironically formal fedora to their V-neck T-shirts, skinny jeans and chunky sneakers for a 1950s, West Coast look.

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许多青年男子现在都选择身穿V领T恤、铅笔裤、大头运动鞋,搭配一顶出人意料的浅顶软呢帽,俨然一副上世纪50年代的美国西海岸look。Droves of young men add the ironically formal fedora to their V-neck T-shirts, skinny jeans and chunky *sneakers for a 1950s, West Coast look.

我用Linux做一些特定的任务,而第3版可以很好的完成,我几乎不需要进行什么维护工作,所以我也没有理由使用其他的新版本了。I use only Linux for certain tasks, and Fedora does them all with aplomb, with almost no maintenance on my part--no reason for me to change to some new distro.

不好的一点是,Fedora的桌面上仍缺乏一个清晰的导向战略,使产品更容易使用并超越“Linux爱好者”这一目标。On a negative side, Fedora still lacks a clear desktop-oriented strategy that would make the product easier to use for those beyond the "Linux hobbyist" target.