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支持RETE算法的高性能运行时引擎High performance runtime engine that supports rete algorithm

萎缩的上皮在大多数病例中有钉突丧失。The atrophic epithelium has in most cases lost its rete pegs.

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但无论如何,肥厚性梗阻型仍具有足够的独立性。However, the hypertrophic obstructive type is. sufficiently dis. rete.

关于规则引擎模块,我们采用高效的模式匹配算法——Rete算法作为核心算法。As far as rule engine module is concerned, the great efficient RETE algorithm is implemented.

本文详细描述了模式匹配算法—RETE算法,深入分析了RETE算法的性能,并对其进行了改进。This paper details RETE algorithm, analyzes the performance of RETE algorithm and improves it.

根据种子干燥过程中发芽率损失的正态分布理论,建立了一个发芽率预测模型。Based on the normal distribution theory of of seed germination rete loss during drying, a predicting model is developed.

研究了采用铜转炉烟尘制取硫酸锌工艺对锌、铁的浸取率和产品质量的影响。The effect of preparation conditions of the captioned process on the leaching rete and properties of the product is discussed.

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粗面内质网、高尔基氏器等丰富,表明细胞具有活跃的代谢功能。The cell contains profusely rough endoplasm rete and Golgi apparatus. which show that the cell possess active metabolism function.

被膜的后面部分称为睾丸纵隔,合有血管和淋巴管、神经和睾丸网的纵隔部分。The posterior portion of the capsule, called the mediastinum, contains blood and lymph vessels, nerves, and the mediastinal portion of the rete testis.

结论钛网椎管成形脊柱融合术治疗椎体爆裂性骨折效果良好。Conclusion Titanium rete vertebral canals reconstruction and bone allograft can be used in the spinal burst fracture patients with nerve root and dura mater compression.

目的介绍一种治疗椎体爆裂性骨折椎板减压后脊柱融合的方法。Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of titanium rete for spinal canal reconstruction and bone allograft after laminectomy and decompression in spinal vertebral burst fracture.