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蜂蜜色的短衣放浪的棕色头发。Honey colored shorty with insane brown hair.

嫁给了本村一个姓冯的矬子。Married to the village of a surname von shorty.

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桑姆看着杰克,“你怎么想呢,小矮子?”Slim looked at Jack. "And what do you want, Shorty ?"

在我们抵达那不久,我父亲在某个晚上消失了。Shorty after we arrived, my father disappeared in the night.

Shorty偷偷地在喜欢隔壁的母猫。每次都盯著她看很久!Shorty loves the female cat next door. He often stares at her for a long time.

在大爆炸之后不久,整个宇宙处于一片杂乱无章的混沌状态之中。Shorty after the Big Bang, the universe was in a highly disordered and chaotic state.

肖蒂让我站起来照照镜子,只见我的头发犹如柔软的、潮湿的丝线一般下垂着。When Shorty let me stand up and see in the mirror, my hair hung down in limp, damp strings.

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这两款应用程序中,Shortly要更出色一些,但是它的功能相对要少一些。Shorty is the prettier of the two applications, but it also has fewer features. While the

唐下方的蒸笼成为一种对冷水保护的新的一代跳1.5mm的肖蒂2ndSkin。Don the 1.5mm shorty 2ndSkin underneath the steamer and jump into a new generation of protection against coldwater.

“你骑得还挺不错的,小矮子!”桑姆说。“谢谢。”杰克微笑着说。他现在竟然也很喜欢别人叫他“小矮子”了。"That was some good riding, Shorty ! " said Slim. "Thanks, " said Jack, smiling. He even liked being called " Shorty " now.

更轻,更舒适,温暖和模块化的,肖蒂是由米塔莱特创造一个关于你的第二肌肤水屏障。Lighter, more comfortable, warmer and modular, the shorty is made of Metalite to create a water barrier for your second skin.

马尔科姆和另一个叫做肖迪·哈维斯的皮条客,再加上他们俩的白人女朋友,四个人干起了疯狂抢劫的勾当。最终,马尔科姆在准备维修一块偷来的手表时被捕。Malcolm and another hustler named Shorty Jarvis, along with their two white girlfriends, went on a robbery spree, and Malcolm was arrested trying to get a stolen watch repaired.

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杰克清了清他的嗓子,“一匹野马需要他的家庭,”他说,“母马和小马之间有很强的亲和力,”牛仔看着杰克,“嗬,你还挺聪明的,小矮子。”Jack cleared his throat. "A mustang needs his family, " he said, "The bond between a mare and her young is very strong. " The cowboy looked at Jack. "Whoa, you're pretty smart to know that, Shorty.