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他是个背信弃义的家伙!He's a guy with Punic faith.

第二次布匿战争中的罗马将军。Roman general in the Second Punic War.

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西元前第3世纪,与罗马人展开布匿战争。In the 3rd century BC it fought the Punic Wars with Rome.

阿波罗运动会始于第二次布诺战争期间。The Apollinarian Games were instituted during the second Punic war.

第二次布匿战争后,罗马经济方面出现较为明显的变化。After the Second Punic War, there were obvious changes in Roman economy.

在一些短数个月中,和迅速重建那海军的第一的迦太基人的失败。In a few short months, and the rapid reconstruction of the naval first Punic defeat.

经过三次布匿战争,罗马彻底打败迦太基,成为地中海无与伦比的强国。Through the three Punic Wars, Rome defeated Carthage and became an unparalleled strong county in the Mediterranean.

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但是,即使早在布匿战争时代,公民意识已经开始因为财富的增长和奴隶制发展而受到损害。But even as early as the Punic Wars the sense of citizenship was being undermined by the growth of wealth and slavery.

西元前202年,他在札马战役中打败汉尼拔,结束了第二次布匿战争,得名西庇阿。In 202 he won a major victory over Hannibal at the Battle of Zama, ending the Second Punic War and winning the name Africanus.

在现在我们能体验他们居住在腓尼基,迦太基城,希腊神殿,罗马露天剧场,阿拉伯诺曼城堡和教堂的感受和阿拉贡遗产。Experience their legacy in Phoenician settlements, Punic cities, Greek temples, Roman amphitheatres, Norman Arab castles and Aragonese churches.

这一做法不久后就在欧洲传开,战象也在马其顿战争及第二次迦太基战争中的许多著名战役中参加了战斗。Later the use spread throughout Europe and elephants were used in such famous campaigns as the Macedonian wars and by Hannibal during the Second Punic War.

帕特森以古代世界开始,探讨了罗马获得主宰地位,尤其是他们在布匿战争中击败迦太基人的流行解释。Paterson begins in the ancient world, considering popular explanations for the ascendance of Rome and, in particular, their victory over Carthage in the Punic Wars.

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罗马应雇佣军的请求于前264年开始开涉西西里,强迫叙拉古加入罗马联盟,并在第一次布匿战争中打败了迦太基。The Rome's leagues was invited to intervent Sicily by the mercenaries in 264, BC, force Syracus to make alliance with Rome to defeat Carthages in the 1st Punic War.