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海豚。白鹭。The dolphin. The egret.

海豚帮助你做到这一点。Dolphin helps you do that.

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你喜欢海豚音吗?Do you like the dolphin sound?

明天我将吃那条鲯鳅。Tomorrow I will eat the dolphin.

海豚睡的时候是只眼开只眼闭的。A dolphin sleeps with one eye open.

问问这头名叫莫林的宽吻海豚就知道了。Just ask Merlin the bottlenose dolphin.

成年中华白海豚拥有一身耀眼的粉红色。The adult Chinese White Dolphin is pink.

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有小海豚,怀孕的海豚。There is baby dolphin, pregnant dolphin.

在幽光里游着一只浮雕的海豚。In which sad light a carved dolphin swam.

海豚用鼻子顶着球,使其保持平衡。The dolphin balanced the ball on its nose.

如果他是一只海豚,他可以发吸气音。If he was a dolphin he could do the clicks.

这可是一条400磅的野生雌性海豚。This was a 400-lb. wild-born female dolphin.

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“鲯鳅,”老人说出声来。“大鲯鳅。”Dolphin, the old man said aloud. Big dolphin.

新种海豚于澳大利亚被发现New species of dolphin discovered in Australia

看到海豚开这样的玩笑真的很兴奋。Really wired to see a Dolphin pull-off that joke!

变成海豚之后,再把武器刀变成海豚的鳍。Become a dolphin, weapons knife into a dolphin fin.

那海豚的头在离船很近的地方冒出来。The head of the dolphin popped up quite near the boat.

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图中那个大的建筑物是海豚馆。The large building in the picture was the Dolphin Hall.

海豚通过一个称为喷水孔的洞呼吸。A dolphin breathes air through a hole called a blowhole.

从远处看,这条海豚似乎很容易接近。From a distance, the dolphin seemed approachable enough.