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一本书和一位圣公会人士。A book and an Anglican.

加入英国国教工会。You enter the Anglican priesthood.

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保守党和教会的保皇党。You have the conservative, Anglican royalists.

罗马天主教或盎格鲁教的牧师或神父。A priest or clergyman in the Roman Catholic or Anglican churches.

非英国国教者一直不信任圣公会的人。Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours.

有趣的字眼出之这个自称为“空洞无聊的圣公会教徒”。Interesting words from a man who calls himself a "wishy-washy Anglican".

英国国教是英国国教教会所特有的教会生活方式。Anglicanism is the form of church life characteristic of the Anglican Communion.

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一位澳大利亚富有的女继承人打赌,让一位英国国教牧师把一个玻璃教堂运送到400公里外的地点。An Australian heiress bets an Anglican priest he can't move a glass church 400km.

又如圣公会的部分大主教可以保留席位,其他教派的领袖呢?If a few Anglican bishops are allowed to stay, what about leaders of other faiths?

此外经历了英国国教向新教的转变。It also saw the transformation of the Anglican Church into a recognisably Protestant body.

主教会议英国教会中的一种教会人员会议,与教会会议相似。但只在被。A clerical assembly of the Anglican Church similar to a synod but assembling only when called.

主张现代化的人士觉得英国国教的神父若是以不太正式的装束出现在人们面前,其工作会更有效果。Modernizers felt Anglican priests would be more effective if they appeared in less formal attire.

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1986年,德斯蒙德·突徒作为南非英国圣公会的首位黑人领袖就职。In 1986, Desmond Tutu was installed as the first black to lead the Anglican Church in southern Africa.

它只授予有限的租约,只有英国圣公会教堂的本地总部可享受例外。It granted only limited leases, with the sole exception of the local headquarters of the Anglican church.

游览包括圣约翰圣公会教堂,佩妮皇家世界,市政厅及赛马场。Launceston City Tour featuring St John Anglican Church, Penny Royal World, Town hall & Tasmania Turf Club.

一个圣公会大主教,图图是一名反对种族隔离的战士,现在做着帮助艾滋病患者的工作。An archbishop of the Anglican Church, Tutu was a fighter against apartheid and now works to help those with AIDS.

班伯里大教堂文法学校位于西澳大利亚,在珀斯城南部,是一所男女同校的圣公会寄宿学校。Bunbury Cathedral Grammar is an Anglican coeducational day and boarding school south of Perth, Western Australia.

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“我要去掌控这些恐惧,并参与到解决它们中去,”这个英国圣公会主教告诉我。"I needed to be able to have the grip of the horror and then be part of the solution, " the Anglican bishop told me.

结婚仪式在彼格雷·沃特斯安立甘宗教堂举行,然后他们在南港皇家文学社棕榈厅举行了婚宴。The marriage took place in the Anglican Church, Biggera Waters with the reception held in Southport RSL's Palm Lounge.

黑色胸带连接在领子上的一条布带,遮住衬衣前胸,主要戴在罗马天主教和英国圣公会教士身上。A piece of cloth fitted to the collar and covering the shirt front, worn chiefly by Roman Catholic and Anglican clergy.