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这导致了下一个划时代的转变。This led to the next epochal shift.

中国具有历史意义的改革始于农业改革。China’s epochal reforms began on the farms.

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这三个步骤构成了一个划时代的进展。These three steps constituted on epochal advance.

“尚法”是唐代书法突出的时代特征。To advocate rules is the outstanding epochal characteristic.

另一项划时代技术突破的影响力不亚于个人计算机。Rivaling the impact of the personal computer was another epochal breakthrough.

任何一种文化都具有鲜明的民族性、时代性和阶级性。There are distinct national, epochal and class characters of every kind of culture.

当时内务部前后颁布的两个解剖尸体规则,有划时代的意义。Two autopsy rules issued by Ministry of Internal Affairs was of epochal significance.

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这整个划世纪的艺术品已用事实证明了它比史上任何封面都贵上不止100倍。The whole epochal art project proved about 100 times more expensive than any cover made before.

最重要的,捕捉困扰的书这个划时代的即时事件的人的方面。Most of all, the book captures with haunting immediacy the human dimension of this epochal event.

这一悖论是学校道德教育众多悖论中时代性的主导悖论,是必然存在的。This paradox is the leading, epochal one in various moral education paradoxes, which is inevitable.

佛典汉译是中国文化史上的一个重大事件。The Chinese translation of Buddhist scriptures is an epochal event in the history of Chinese culture.

其中之一,是开创了香港和祖国内地共同发展的新纪元。Among them one of, be those who initiated Hong Kong and motherland inland to develop jointly is epochal.

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与此同时,其他跨时代的挑战正在隐约中逼近,诸如气候变化以及中国的崛起。Meanwhile, looming in the background are other epochal challenges, such as climate change and the rise of China.

“尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造”和“保护环境”成为其时代蕴意。Respecting work, knowledge, competent people and creativity and protecting environment is its epochal connotation.

其完人思想具有整体性、人的自然性和社会性的统一性、时代性、实践性等特征。It possesses not only integrality, and unity of natural and social human beings, but also is epochal and practical.

更加自由的贸易,几十亿中国人和其他国家的人划时代地加入全球劳动大军,发挥了作用。Freer trade and the epochal joining of a couple billion Chinese and others into the global division of labor played a role.

此经文描述公元70年,犹太民族和圣城耶路撒冷,震撼天地大毁灭的历史事实。The disaster here portrayed was the epochal destruction of the Jewish nation and the fall of its capital city Jerusalem in A. D. 70.

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面对积弱已久的隶书,能够恢复元气,形成时代风格,其历史贡献也不可抹杀。Facing the confirmed habits, the Tang people's licorice contribution of recovering strength and forming epochal style cannot be obliterated.

同时,孙中山统一战线思想在内容上、战略上、思想上和时代性上都具有鲜明的特点。Meanwhile, Sun's ideology on patriotic united front has distinctive characteristics in its substantial, strategic, ideological and epochal aspects.

因此对和谐与和谐社会进行理论性的研究和探讨既具有时代性,又具有现实性。Research and investigation and discussion to harmony and harmonious society in theories therefore both have an epochal character, and have reality.