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这深夜里弦子的生动。To the liveliness of the strings.

我爱你的脑子灵活。For the liveliness of your mind, I did.

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我拍到了这个我参观的地方的活力。I capture the liveliness of the places I visit.

他写的这部传记历史知识丰富,有着极强的洞查力和活泼的笔调。He writes with great historical knowledge, insight and liveliness.

再这里认识大家很高兴,喜欢他们的天真,活泼。其实我也很可爱!I am glad to know you here, and i like your puerility and liveliness.

总是有人在校园里漫步,为校园注入了活力。there are always people walking around, so there's a liveliness to it.

有人每天或每周都会来这样一个餐馆,享受几小时热烈氛围。Some may enjoy the liveliness of such a restaurant for a few hours a day or week.

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加入了莫尼野皮诺后更为此酒体增添了一丝果香和活乐感。The complement of Pinot Meunier adds a charming touch of fruitiness and liveliness.

张凤鸣老师的作品细致,生动,明显与其他人的作品有别。The exquisiteness and liveliness in Mr. Zhang Fengming's paintings set him apart from others.

这望厦宾馆是城市活力的一部分,帮助,以反映其百年传统。This Pousada is part of the liveliness of the city, helping to reflect its century old traditions.

动感流畅的线条设计,睿智中略带活泼情怀。The dynamic smooth line design illustrates the intellectual crystallization tinged with liveliness.

那就一定要在不妨碍安定团结的条件下实现生动活泼。We should try to achieve liveliness on condition that stability and unity are not adversely affected.

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他开始带着较大的兴趣盘问他的新家的情形,家里住些什么人。He began to put questions concerning his new home, and its inhabitants, with greater interest and liveliness.

我们很高兴看到他回来,他使大家的精神为之一振,而他的活跃也影响了整个更衣室。We are content to have him back as he gives everyone a lift and his liveliness helps the whole dressing room.

诗歌也是一样,个人主义至上,表演派只能变得生动活波。Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real liveliness.

所以要减小织物的纵行歪斜角就得找到能减小纱线捻度活性的办法。Therefore, if you want to decrease the spirality , you should find a method to decrease the yarn twist liveliness.

正如花圃里被割掉的花再也不能复原了,我们就不要再去打破一个小孩子稚嫩纯净的心灵,使他们原来充满活力的感觉变得迟钝,乃至麻木。We must remember not to add to the destruction by breaking a child's spirit and deadening his sense of liveliness.

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这个地区的照明设计,代表了城市的活力,同时强调了褶皱面料的想法。Lighting design of this area represents liveliness of the city and simultaneously emphasizes an idea of pleating fabric.

我是一个很重感情的人,温柔而漂亮,活泼得像个孩子,有时还很幽默,你的性格是怎样的呢?I'm very deep in emotive, femininity and beauty, liveliness like a child, sometimes humourous, how about your character ?

白醋栗,醋栗酒,杏,丰富多肉质且活泼的酒体伴随着严谨的木质香。Whitecurrant, gooseberry, apricot. It is generous and full-fleshed with good liveliness and body, and a discret hint of wood.