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他保留这自己的野性与狡诈。He retained his wildness and wiliness.

没有朋友,这世界无异于荒野。Without a friend, the world is a wildness.

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她有一种粗放勇敢的气质。There was a foundation of wildness and bravery in her.

并且幼稚野蛮地把你黄铜的三角架不停摇撼。And toss your brass tripod with somewhat childish wildness.

他急拉缰绳,只使得马更加狂暴了。His jerkings on the reins only added to the horse's wildness.

有时候,愿意像游子一样,漫步旷野。Sometimes like strolling around the wildness like a wanderer.

我的心,这荒野之鸟,在你的双眼中发现了蓝天。My heart, the bird of the wildness , has found its sky in your eyes.

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他们获得了野性,并因野性而获得一些意外和惊喜。They acquire wildness and some of the surprises that the wild entails.

我知道为什么合逻辑的自由会比紊乱的自由来得好。I tell how there may be a better wildness of logic than of inconsequence.

有黑果风味及带点辣轻快果香,亦有强烈黑浆果味。Aroma of dark fruit flavors, spicy and lively hints and wildness of black berries.

野性与柔美兼具一身,让你在一眼就欲罢不能。It combines wildness and gentleness so that you are unable to reject it at a glance.

我们世界上最漆黑魔鬼之一当然应该是好人的不可教化的粗暴。One of the darkest evils of our world is surely the unteachable wildness of the Good.

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这种折衷源于野性与驯化、自然与人工的协调。It has been born of a compromise between wildness and tameness , between Nature and Man.

既然一切都安然无恙,我也很高兴能和一头麋鹿在野外共同渡过了几个小时。Now that all was well, I was glad to have spent those few hours of wildness with the elk.

他在狂怒之下把墨水缸发狂地向前一扔,自己也跟了上去。As soon as he goes crazy under the wildness the ink water jar throws forward, own also with.

这种技法抓住了他周围自然世界的粗犷,但接近抽象派。which captured the wildness of the natural world around him but which bordered on abstraction.

与阿富汗社会出现的更大混乱相比,一条雪豹的死亡或许无足轻重,但是对许多阿富汗人来讲,雪豹是他们民族桀骜不驯精神的象征。But for many Afghans, the snow leopard is a symbol of the country's spirit of untamed wildness.

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上清溪是一个集清幽、新奇、野韵、灵趣为一体的好地方。The Shangqing River is a wonderful place mixed with calm, freshness, interest and true wildness.

对于控制中国领导层的工程师们而言,河流的原始状态一定显得鲁莽突兀。To the engineers who dominate China’s leadership, the rivers’ wildness must seem an impertinence.

这些珍贵文字好似黑暗中闪烁的群星,又如荒野中奔驰的骏马。These precious poems are just like shining stars in the darkness and running horses in the wildness.