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我必须加深这个示例的难度。I must obfuscate this example.

为什么?因为错误处理不应该把代码的逻辑弄得晦涩难懂。Why? Because error handling should not obfuscate the logic of the code.

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但在早些年,它们会引起厌恶,甚至是混乱的JSP页面。But in the early years they produced abominations that could even obfuscate JSPs.

如果组件是公用,则模糊化工具就不应该模糊化公用成员的名称。If an assembly is public, an obfuscator should not obfuscate the names of public members.

请记住,每个参数都可能被改变,不管你对它做了多少隐藏和混淆。Remember that every parameter may be changed, no matter how much you hide or obfuscate it.

如果我们模糊应用程序的流程也使用“控制流模糊处理”的模糊处理功能?What if we obfuscate the application flow too using the "Control Flow Obfuscation" feature in Dotfuscator?

诚然,如果你愿意的话,你可以轻易地在一份比如说有15页的分发稿中伪装混淆重要的信息。Yes, you could easily camouflage and obfuscate information in, say, a 15-page handout if that was your intent.

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答案是,除了让你的软件更加小,加壳还有一个好处就是快而简单的使自己的软件得到保护。Well, aside from making your executables smaller, packing is a good way to quickly and easily obfuscate your work.

然后,此文件在Tor网络各服务器间随机跳转,并使用加密层以混淆其源地址。The document then bounces between Tor servers in a random manner, using layers of encryption to obfuscate its source address.

NET框架中使用的类和方法的名字依然在纯文本和可读的任何人,这是因为你可以迷惑任何东西。NET framework used class and method names are still in plain text and readable to anyone, and that is because you can obfuscate anything but the.

这边看看那边看看,试图模糊自己已经以及正在在世界上做出的罪恶。Looking hither, thither and yon desparately to find a way to obfuscate the evil that has beenand continues to be perpetrated by them around the world.

一个平常的目标概述不应该混淆它们之间的相互依赖和相互作用,也不应模糊它们之间可能存在的冲突。An overview of the usual objectives should not obfuscate their interdependence, their interaction, nor the possible conflicts that may exist among them.

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如果某个病毒作者或变形引擎企图使端口号的计算变得混乱,反病毒系统可能运用常数合并来反混淆。If a virus writer, or a metamorphic engine, attempts to obfuscate the computation of the port number, the anti-virus system may apply constant folding to de-obfuscate it.

我认为混合剂成分包括后两种,天晓得还有什么东西在里面,投毒者很可能利用魔法延迟了魔药投用后出现症状的时间。I think the combination of the last two, along with who knows what else, is most likely the culprit, mixed with charms to delay onset of symptoms and obfuscate the poison used.

你不会删除、修改或者专有任何模糊的形象与传说,每使用将适用的陪同下列所有权归属的形象。You will not delete, alter, or obfuscate any proprietary legends relating to the Image, and each use will be accompanied by the applicable proprietary attribution shown next to the Image.