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让他的尸首去夸耀它的陋穴和骨灰瓮。His corse may boast its urn and narrow cave.

我晕到在地,好像一具倒下的尸体。From death, and like a corse fell to the ground.

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我的专业是行政管理本科课程期间。I was majored in Administrative Management during my undergraduate corse.

当然,获得这一品格的过程,无疑也是一种艺术创造过程。Of corse , the course of acquiring this character is doubtlessly one of artistic creation.

他们追求的是自由,而他们面对的是一场改变历史进程的战争。What they wanted was freedom. What they faced was a battle that would change the corse of history.

分析了此种振动装置在注射阶段脉动螺杆的动态响应以及振幅和频率的特性。It makes melt, plasticating, injection and holding pressure corse go on in the state of vibrating periodically.

说真的,我一直以为我自己是个特别粗俗的人,我想我把这个社会上的种种都看透了。Frankly speaking, I always consider myself as a vulgar and corse person. I think I have seen through this society.

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目的分析我国小儿慢性乙型肝炎临床与肝纤维化病理的有关特征。Objective To study the characteristics of clinical corse of chronic hepatitis B and liver cirrhosis pathology of the child patients.

现在,我想在电子政务运用学习,因为这将是我跟我的专业研究在本科科西嘉更加一致的。Now I would like to apply learning in e-government, because it will be more consistent with my major that I studied during undergraduate corse.

阿尔法罗密欧158的推出与工程在少年杯齐亚诺阿尔法Corse车队在里窝那,意大利,1938年8月在埃米利奥维洛雷西了汽车的首次胜利。The Alfa Romeo 158 debuted with the works Alfa Corse team at the Coppa Ciano Junior in August 1938 at Livorno, Italy, where Emilio Villoresi took the car's first victory.

为此该厂进行了技术扩容改造。通过引进新型BF型浮洗机,采用一粗二精浮选新工艺流程进行稀土选矿。By introducing into the "BF"model floatation equipment, replacing the old technology with the new one, it completes the floatation by the once corse and twice well floatation technique.