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他对我们很傲慢。He is haughty to us.

或者他们还态度傲慢地评论一番。Or they uttered haughty comments.

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某些最傲慢的行为、想法Of some most haughty deed or thought

潜藏千年邪气高傲高傲的鬼魅。Underlying millennium pullbacks haughty ghosts haughty.

他本可以很自大高傲,充满优越感。He could have be arrogant and haughty and condescending and uh.

即使这是个例外,他承认,所有的英国女人都是很傲慢的。Granted the exceptions, he agreed that all Englishwomen are haughty.

我亦倨傲如宇也随唱,战争更久更猛似乎不歇。I too haughty Shade also sing war, and a longer and greater one than any.

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那傲慢的人自视甚高,而藐视别人。The haughty man thinks highly of himself while holding others in contempt.

法官和医院的护理人员就跟这个傲慢的年轻人讲了医院里病人的历史。Judges and staff of the hospital told the haughty teenager the patients' history.

当这种情况发生时,土星的出现能变为顽固、傲慢地抵挡。And when that happens Saturn's presence can ossify into stubborn haughty resistance.

当这种情况发生时,土星的出现能变为顽固、傲慢地抵抗。And when that happens, Saturn's presence can ossify into stubborn, haughty resistance.

令他惊讶的是,特里劳妮教授听到这个建议后挺直了身体,一副很傲慢的样子。To his surprise, Professor Trelawney drew herself up at this suggestion, looking haughty.

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于是,他只是远远的看着那灿烂的双颊和淘气的绿色眸子。So he was content just to stare at those dazzlingly high cheekbones and haughty green eyes.

他的态度和蔼而高傲,有一张合不拢的嘴,老在笑。He had an affable and haughty air, and a mouth which was always smiling, since it did not shut.

在传统文学视野中,李白都一直以狂傲不羁的文学形象而存在。Libai s literary image exists as haughty and unruly in the vision of traditional literature field.

巴基斯坦不稳定的政府不敢寻求更好的双边关系,傲慢自大的印度也没做出改进关系的努力。Pakistan's wobbly government dare not seek better relations.Haughty India sees no point in trying.

突然,自大的芦苇在一声震耳欲聋的声响中,倒在了正在摇摆的芦苇荡里。Suddenly, with an ear-splitting crack, the haughty oak splashed into the stream between the waving reeds.

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宪法法院对此一向反应傲慢,声称这些视频都是一群“别有用心”的人策划的阴谋,目的是要败坏法院的名声。The court’s haughty response has been to claim a conspiracy by “ill-intentioned people” out to discredit it.

大炮威严的轰鸣尖锐地表达了国际社会对侵略的义愤。The haughty voices of the Cannon sharpened the indignation of the international community against aggression.

王家屏在朝辅政期间,每次议事,都秉公执法,不亢不卑。Wang Ping moving in the colonial period , the per -procedure , to enforce the law, neither haughty nor humble.