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梅金兴奋地说。Megan said excitedly.

张宝林兴奋地告诉记者。Baolin excitedly told reporters.

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我们刚才跳得可带劲儿了。How excitedly we danced just now.

那条狗兴奋地直摇尾巴。The dog wagged its tail excitedly.

科雷尔激动地跳了起来。Corell jumped to his feet excitedly.

小灰狗激动地、不断地舔牠主人的脸。Dusty licked the farmer's face excitedly.

鸟儿在树林中兴奋地飞来飞去。The birds fluttered excitedly in the trees.

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她兴奋地在床上蹦蹦跳跳。She bounced up and down excitedly on the bed.

周璇正在紧张而兴奋地工作着。Zhou-Xuan is working, nervously but excitedly.

“泽,我告诉你一个好消息哦。”月月兴奋的说。" Ze, I tell you a good news. " On said excitedly.

他唾沫星子乱飞,激动地在说着什么。He spluttered and excitedly talked about something.

她兴冲冲地回到家里,却发现一个人也没有。She came home excitedly only to find nobody was in.

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他们都停下手中的活儿,激动地交谈起来。They all stopped working and were talking excitedly.

走在崎岖的小道上,两个女人眉飞色舞地谈论着未来。On the trail the women talked excitedly about the future.

“那头银色的牝鹿!”他激动地说,“也是你吗?”"The silver doe! " he said excitedly. "Was that you too?"

他气喘如牛,兴奋地告诉我们他刚刚听到的事。He panted excitedly giving us the news he had just heard it.

周扬兴奋地等待着第一批报纸的出炉。Zhou Yang waited excitedly for the first copies to be ready.

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小男孩跑到他爸爸背地,兴奋地猛拉她的袖子。The boy ran up to his father and tugged his sleeve excitedly.

他气喘吁吁,兴奋地将他刚刚听到的消息转告给我们。He panted excitedly giving us the news as he had just heard it.

一些商贾正在兴奋地品题辩论电视机广告。One businessmen were talking about advertising on TV excitedly.