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许愿就是债,欠了不容赖。Promisee is debt.

承诺再多,做不到,那也只不过还是谎言言。Promisee more, not to be, that is just a lie.

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可以由受诺人提供,也可以由他人提供。It may be given by the promisee or by some other person.

其次,是受约者表示他预期要约者一造履行其提出的允约。Secondly, a signification by the promisee that he expects the promising party will fulfil the proffered promise.

文件中列明了诺言人和受诺人,或者对二者做出描述并在交付时能够确认。C the promisor and promisee are named in the document or so described as to be capable of identification when it is delivered.

未经组委会事先书面同意,承诺人不得转让其在本承诺函项下的全部或部分的承诺义务。The promisee shall not transfer all or part of obligations to any third party without prior written agreement of the Organizing Committee.

保护允诺对方的“期待利益”是美国合同法及美国违约救济制度的首要目标。The primary goal of the American Contract Law and the Remedies for Breach of Contract is to protect the "expectation interest" of the promisee.

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承诺人不得因其对参赛作品的创作而侵犯组委会因组织大赛而享有的知识产权或者侵犯任何第三方享有的相关知识产权。The promisee shall not infringe the intellectual property rights of the Organizing Committee or any third party through the creation of an entry.

承诺人应排他地再同意组委会以任何组委会自行决定的方式、时间、地点和场合行使发表作品的权利。The promisee shall grant an exclusive right to the Organizing Committee to publish the entry in any manner, at any time, and in any place or occasion solely decided by the Organizing Committee.

承诺人保证作品为原创,拥有完整、排他的著作权,除参加本征集活动外,未曾以任何形式公开发表。The promisee is committed to being the creator of the bidding work and having its complete and exclusive copyright. The bidding work has not yet been published in any form, except this solicitation.