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在中国日前传出一项考古学的大发现。There was a recent archeological discovery in China recently.

外部的证据也包括很多考古的发现。External evidence also includes many archeological discoveries.

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作为盛极一时的都邑,殷墟地下文物遗迹十分丰富。As a once thriving capital, Yinxu is rich in archeological relics.

对于业已消失的文化,我们则运用考古学方法。For cultures that do not exist today, we use archeological methods.

但是然后成千上万的骑兵马厩在一个考古的挖掘中被发现。But then thousands of horse stables were found in an archeological dig.

中收藏更多的古希腊珍宝。More treasure of ancient Greece lies in the National Archeological Museum.

科学家们常常不能精确地鉴定考古或史前期发现的日期。Scientists often cannot date precisely archeological or prehistorical findings.

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志丹苑遗址是近年来上海的一项重要考古发现。Zhidan Yuan Sluice Site is an important archeological discovery in Shanghai in recent years.

大坝完工后,1300处古迹将永沉水底。Upon the dam's completion, 1, 300 known archeological sites will be lost forever under water.

此试验研究为猕猴桃的流变特性分析和品质评价奠定了基础。The research made some foundations for kiwifruit's archeological analysis and quality inspection.

我纯粹的只是想重申那些被考古学界广泛接受的事实。I am merely restating those facts which are widely accepted by the world's archeological community.

好学的,爱古物的,人们自然喜欢北平,因为这里书多古物多。Those who are studious or archeological like Peiping because there are many old books and antiques.

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这些遗骸是于2005年在Eulau地区的考古遗址中的一群墓穴中发现的。The skeletons were uncovered in 2005 in a group of graves at an archeological site in the Eulau region.

除了法规允许外,不可贩卖、交易或陈列具历史及考古意义的手工艺品。C. 2. Historical and archeological artifacts are not sold, traded, or displayed, except as permitted by law.

他是一个谨严的考古学家,长时间地领导新疆的考古发掘工作。He is a serious archeologist who has guided archeological excavations in Xinjiang for a long period of time.

在东北有燕山地区文明,其代表性的考古学文化主要是红山文化。In the northeast was mountain Yan civilization. The representative archeological culture is Hongshan culture.

青州是一个很古老的贸易和管理中心,在一次著名的考古探索中被发觉。Qingzhou is an ancient trading and administrative center where acclaimed archeological discoveries were made.

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通过严峻的考古学调查,我们最终确定此为基德船长的弃船。Through rigorous archeological investigations, we will conclusively prove that this is the Capt. Kidd shipwreck.

新出土的十八世纪20至30年代的考古遗迹,在欧洲各专科院校和知识圈被激烈地讨论。Newly excavated archeological vestiges in the 1720–30s fueled debate in European academies and intellectual circles.

武器,乐器收藏馆,国家图书馆,Ephesos考古博物馆的主入口。Main entrance to weapon and musical instrument collections, National Library and to the Ephesos Archeological Museum.