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羞答答不肯把头抬。Blushing, she turns her head without a qualm.

一个真正的当代女性是一个自信干练的女人,她不会疑虑重重、恐惧紧张,她是现代型的。She doesn't have a doubt nor a qualm. She is the modern type.

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最后,她看到提到头发的那一句,心里觉得一阵恶心。Lastly she arrived at the tresses and felt a qualm of disgust.

他感觉他的胃有点不适,当孤独的时候这种感觉就更强烈。He felt a qualm in his stomach, and it was more in memory of his loneliness.

美国人是猎人,拿着猎枪,一发现猎物毫不犹疑地就瞄准。The Americans are the hunters who will point their gun at their prey without qualm.

你温柔的声音抚平我心口所有不安,尽管我看不见你那熟悉的脸庞。All my worries and qualm are slaked by your warm voice, even i can not see your familiar face.

一个真正的当代女性是一个自信干练的女人,她不会疑虑重重、恐惧紧张,她是现代型的。A really up-to-date woman is a cocksure woman. She doesn't have a doubt nor a qualm. She is the modern type.

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歌迷相信,环球现场盛事公司是为了安抚媒体和遗产管理委员会的顾虑,因此撤掉了对西蒙斯的邀请。Fans believe that Global Live Events, in an attempt to qualm the media and the Estate, rescinded their offer to Simmons.

“就我一个人”,她回答。他感到胃部有一些不适,与其说是因为料到了她的孤独无助,还不如说是想起了自己的形单影只。"Just myself, " she answered. He felt a qualm in his stomach, and it was more in memory of his own loneliness than anticipation of hers.

汇市以走极端、歪曲经济表现和人们的生活水平著称,它这样做没有丝毫的良心不安。Currency markets are famous for going to extremes, distorting economies and people's lives without any qualm of conscience or reference to value.

所有这些与牛顿的引力法律相抵触推测,它仍在疑虑的是什么样的内心深处,仍然在地球上。All these suppositions contradicted with the Newton's law of gravitational pull and it still remains under qualm as what lies deep inside the planet earth.

主要的原意是该国不完善的知识产权法规,这意味着在该国境内的发现可能无法得到合法保护。The main qualm was the country's fledgling intellectual property rights laws, which could mean discoveries within its borders would fail to receive adequate legal protection.