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这服务不太合标准。The service was borderline.

我要扬弃那命定不祥的界线。I'll sublate that predestined, ominous borderline.

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我们还是可以赶上最后刻日的。We'll still be able to accommodated the borderline.

我要扬弃那命定不祥的界线。I want to sublate that predestined, ominous borderline.

他一直以来都是个傻瓜,但是现在他处于叛徒的边缘了。He's always been a goofball, but he's borderline traitor now.

边界性患者利用她的性行为来奖励或是惩罚她的伴侣。The borderline uses her sexuality to reward or punish her mate.

临界缺乏常引起小的出血瘢疤。Borderline deficiencies often cause small hemorrhagic blemishes.

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对于边境安检而言,动物显然是最大的威胁之一。Animals are clearly one of the biggest threats to borderline security.

巴穆·柯比的工作处于商业和科学之间,其性质是商业利用了科学。Palmer Kirby worked in the borderline where commerce exploited science.

看一场美丽的日落,其实也是在天地的边界上来一次心灵之旅。To watch a beautiful sunset is to have a borderline spiritual experience.

唯一需要你做出评判的是些边界点。The only place your judgement makes a difference is in the borderline cases.

70-80的智商水平被认为是弱智的临界点,80-90是低于正常水平的智商。A ranking of 70-80 is seen as borderline retarded, while 80-90 is below average.

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说实话,我近乎沉迷于建立和培养你们对我的信任。Actually, I’m borderline obsessed with establishing and growing your trust in me.

然而,摄影在记录与艺术的边界中泰然自若。Photography, however, is poised on a fine borderline between documentary and art.

组织学上可分为良性、交界性和恶性三类。In histology, it is divided into three types, benign, borderline and malignant PT.

周期地理学是一门介于周期学与地理学之间的边缘科学。Periodic geography is a borderline science between periodic science and geography.

中国海陆疆界漫长、周边邻国林立,是典型的濒海国家。China is a typical maritime country, with a long borderline and a mass neighborhood.

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结果54例卵巢交界性肿瘤中,浆液性19例,黏液性28例,混合型7例。Results Of the 54 borderline cases, 19 were serous, 28 mucinous and 7 mixture cystadenomas.

两个病例报告都强调了合作问题精神分裂症的发病率和边缘障碍。Two case-reports highlight the problems of co-morbidity of schizophrenia and borderline disorder.

因数是对摩擦副在边界润滑状态下工作,而规定的一个设计准则。The P-V factor is an important design criterion for rub subsidiaries under borderline lubrication.