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我边听边记着笔记。I took notes.

他咬下一口。He took a bite.

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杰德把我叫到另一边。Jed took me aside.

洗头发太花时间了。Washing took time.

所以我就报复了。So I took a revenge.

我们乘了船。We took a boat ride.

他自杀而亡。He took his own life.

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我接受所有责难。I took all the blame.

我又拿起了笔记本。I took the pad again.

我搭错了公共汽车。I took the wrong bus.

她于是起了誓。And she took the oath.

他嗜酒如命。He took to the bottle.

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最后许斌接受了这份工作。Prof. Xu took the job.

于是,他选择了火车。So he took the trains.

于是他们把它带回去。So they took him back.

那些精灵剜去了我的眼睛。The Elves took my eye.

他拿她没辙了。He took her Meizhe had.

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他开始喜欢上摄影。He took to photography.

我浅尝了一口。I took a tentative sip.

对不起,让你久等了。I'm sorry took so long.