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是一款清新、花果味香水。I love this scent. It has a powdery undertone.

“处女”味很清爽,有点细细粉粉的感觉,同时又甜蜜而诱人。It was powdery and clean, yet seductive and sweet.

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下了数英寸厚的粉状干雪。A couple of inches of dry, powdery snow had fallen.

小麦白粉病是小麦的主要病害之一。Wheat powdery mildew is one of wheat main diseases.

例如在北美蔓延的白粉病。Powdery mildew, for example, evolved in North America.

白粉病是禾谷类作物的全球性病害。Powdery mildew is a global disease for the cereal crop.

抗霜霉病,白粉病,病毒病等病害。Resistance to mildew, powdery mildew, virus disease disease.

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月球的表面是粉状的,上面散布着一些黑色的尘土。Its surface was powdery and sprinkled with grains of black dust.

非洲菊白粉病菌孢子的发芽管。Fig. 2. Germ tubes of conidia of the gerbera powdery mildew fungus.

图2。非洲菊白粉病菌孢子的发芽管。Fig. 2. germ tubes of conidia of the gerbera powdery mildew fungus.

而白粉病只是葡萄所受的主要病菌性疾病之一。The powdery mildew fungus is one of a number of major grape diseases

它不会浮粉,也不会显得干燥,很服帖。It never looks dry or powdery as the day goes on, it holds up very well.

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粉状麦片的确帮着省了不少时间。The powdery oats help shorten the time it takes for the oatmeal to cook.

图1。存在甜瓜白粉病菌孢子内的皿状物。Fig. 1. Fibrosin bodies in mature conidia of the melon powdery mildew fungus.

圣克罗伊的蓬勃发展和良好的抗白粉病和黑腐病。St. Croix has vigorous growth and good resistance to powdery mildew and black rot.

寻找新的白粉病抗源对促进小麦白粉病抗性育种有重要意义。It is important to find powdery mildew resistance gene resource for wheat breeding.

结果阿拉善荒漠草原存在着20种病害,主要以白粉病为主。Results There is about 20 disease in Alashan desert grassland mainly powdery mildew.

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葡萄树是非常积极和富有成效的在日内瓦良好抗白粉病。The vine is vigorous and very productive at Geneva with good powdery mildew resistance.

这是一种白魔法强效的植物根,多用于玩赌博上的选择游戏时吸引好运。This white, powdery root is purported to attract good luck when playing games of chance.

但是边缘上的冰比较容易融化,留下粉末状的沙土。But at the edges, where the ice has had a chance to melt, all that's left is powdery sand.