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那么构型。Cv So Cv configurational.

有意者请将简历发送到。Applicants should send the CV to.

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我觉得你需要改改你的简历了。I think you need to update your CV.

关于Cp和?Cv What do we know about the Cp and Cv?

这个。Cv Cv is going to be related to this path.

所以我只写构型的。Cv So let me just right Cv configurational.

她的个人简历长达10页并且内容详细。Her CV was 10 pages long and well-detailed.

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清楚到底是谁看你的简历。Remember the person who has to read your CV.

是Cv乘以,对吧?So delta u B is Cv times T2 minus T1, right.

因此Δu等于Cv乘以T2减。T1 So delta you is just Cv times T2 minus T1.

我们不知道到这是什么。Because this isn't Cv mathematically speaking.

请勿以附件形式发送你的简历。Pease send your CV bye-mail without attachment.

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计算出。So somehow this is going to allow us to get Cv.

从这里可以计算出。Cv So this will give us something about C sub v.

对吧?is always equal to for an ideal gas? Cv dT right.

简历需要用文字处理器,而不能直接手写。CV should be word-processed and never handwritten.

请只发送附有照片的英文简历。Please provide your CV in English only with Photo.

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求职信和简历有必要同时发出吗?。Should the CV and the cover letter be sent together?

你的简历中有这些关键词,你将会脱颖而出。If your CV has these keywords you could be considered.

u等于Cv乘以T1减去。T2 So we know that delta u is just Cv times T1 minus T2.