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从许多方面说来,他都是吴尔芙的呵护者。In many ways, Leonard was Woolf's caretaker.

守墓人简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。The caretaker could hardly believe his eyes.

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这个老看门人总是责骂,呵叱个没完。The old caretaker was always scolding and chiding.

到另外一个国家当一个简单的门卫。Become a caretaker for an estate in another country.

因而,他的大脑的首要职责就是成为照顾者。Therefore his brain is being primed to be a caretaker.

他将成为冰封的“眺望旅馆”的看管员。He will be the caretaker of the snowbound Overlook Hotel.

一个看楼的人告诉警察,逃跑的人在他那座楼里。A caretaker told the police that the men were in his building.

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在此期间,阿巴斯将会继续照料政务。In the meantime, Mr Abbas could stay in charge as a caretaker.

他因解雇老管理员而激起公愤。He incurred the odium of everyone by sacking the old caretaker.

家庭养老是主要的看守和疾病在东部。One, family is the primary caretaker of old-age and illness in the East.

那种局面迫使军方介入,扶植起一个看守政府。That compelled the military to intervene, installing a caretaker government.

此外,澳大利亚的黄金海岸的南斯脱布克岛也需要一名护岛人。Also in Australia, the Gold Coast wants a caretaker on South Stradbroke Island.

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象不久前经常发生的那样,比利时目前将会产生一个临时政府。For now Belgium will have a caretaker government, as so often in the recent past.

虽然你现在只是个临时主帅,但现在球员们现在很明显希望你能转正。As caretaker. The players have made it clear that they want you as permanent manager.

但这些长期性的决策并非是看守政府能处理的。These are decisions for the long term that a caretaker government simply cannot take.

这家公司所有的数据都存储在这里,而他是管理员。Every byte of data generated by the company was stored here, and he was the caretaker.

幸运的是,之前有一个更可靠的看守政府在伯利兹,前拖女王和亲爱的朋友。Fortunately, Prior has a more reliable caretaker in Belize, an ex-drag queen and dear friend.

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津贴数额虽小,但可支付生活费和全职护理员的工资。The small allowance helps cover the cost of subsistence, and a full time caretaker if needed.

这些动物趁喂食时间攻击这名男子,将他猛地一拍打倒在地。The felines attacked the caretaker during feeding times, swatting at him and holding him down.

贝尼特斯谨慎在门将教练麦克德莫特率领下英冠球队所带来的威胁。Benitez is wary of the threat the Championship side poses under caretaker manager Brian McDermott.