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她还没给自己的文章加标题。She hasn't titled her article.

能无所不能告诉他大卫来过手机?Could you only say him David titled?

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他和一条名叫唐的宠物狗一块长大。He grow up dawn a pet cat titled Don.

他把他的池塘起名为放生池。He titled his pond the Free Life Pond.

乐队名为黑杰克约翰逊。The Band is titled Black Jack Johnson.

乌拉尔山以东的陆地称为亚洲。Lor to the east of the Urals is titled Asia.

乌拉尔山以东的陆地称为亚洲。Land to the east of the Urals is titled Asia.

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第二部分“结构形式比较研究”。Part II is titled "Comparitive Study of Structures".

我们有一个很大的特性集,叫做“游戏规则”。We have a big feature set, titled "Rules of the game".

在一篇名为“英国是如何掀起绿色变革的?”In a piece titled "How Did England Mount the Green Wave?

六0年代有一首名为「渐入佳境」的热门歌曲。A popular song from the 1960s was titled "Getting Better."

科比是当今联盟最出色的球员,自称“黑色曼巴”。Bryant is the league kingpin, the self- titled Black Mamba.

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这一研究被定名为“好人真的没好报吗?”The study, titled "Do Nice Guys—and Gals—Really Finish Last?"

他把取火的方法教给人民,人民便尊称他为燧人氏。He taught people the way and was titled Suirenshi honorificly.

这幅作品是秋天拍的—人间仙境。This picture, taken in autumn, is titled "Fairyland on Earth".

米兰是世界上拥有国际级比赛冠军头衔最多的球队。Being the most titled team in the world at International level.

负责此次飞行任务的苏联空军队长被授予了“老朋友”的称号。The captain of this air force therefore was titled “old friend”.

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为什么一天中访问量最慢的时刻叫“速行”时刻?Why is the time of day dawn the slowest traffic titled rush hwe?

原图的名字是“下午好,我的名字是...”This picture is titled “Good afternoon, my name is chikiricuatro”.

国家的领导者是信教的、有头衔的最高领袖。The head of state is a religious leader, titled the Supreme Leader.