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大多数人都谴责战争。Most people condemn war.

我们谴责一切诽谤中伤的言论。We condemn all sorts of slanders.

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只谴责中国是有失偏颇的。To condemn China alone is just biasness.

不加审讯就定他的罪是残忍的。It is cruel to condemn him without a hearing.

大家一致谴责虐待妇女儿童的行径。We all condemn cruelty to women and children.

我们谴责保六员警是帮凶!We condemn the security police is accomplices!

它对暴力约会到底是谴责还是歌颂?Does it condemn dating violence, or glorify it?

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他想让穷人听他责备富人。He wants them to overhear him condemn the rich.

谴责新的生活方式未免有些上纲上线。It is too moralistic to condemn new lifestyles.

我们不能在没有真凭实据的情况下就认为他有罪。We cannot condemn him without factual evidence.

然而他们却无法对荷兰横加指责。Yet they couldn't condemn the Dutch fast enough.

正念禅修是不去谴责我们的反应的。Mindfulness itself does not condemn our reactions.

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我们一致谴责这种灭绝人性的摧残儿童的罪行。We all condemn such brutal crimes against children.

在韩国遭到炮击后,它也拒绝谴责朝鲜。After the shelling, it refused to condemn the North.

因为你要照你的话被称为义,或定为有罪。The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.

那么你就是判定我活着受罪,死后要受诅咒了?Then you condemn me to live wretched and to die accursed?

尽管如此,玛法里奥没有判处他的弟弟死刑。Even so, Malfurion could not condemn his brother to death.

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他可以谴责康斯坦娅把他的男子汉观点揭露得太过分了。Constantia he could condemn for revealing to much to his manly sight.

偶尔懒散一下是可以的,但是懒散成习就会变得单调无聊。If you are out to condemn somebody, you can always trump up a charge.

她对两个男子都怀有缠绵不绝的怜惜之情,有谁会为此而谴责她呢?Who would condemn her for a constant flow of pity towards both males?