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在1881年时,随着法国对殖民地的开拓,转而成为法国的被保护国。It passed under French protectorate in 1881.

但乔拒绝接受这一切,他不想失去保护权。But Cho refused to accept that, not wanting to lose the protectorate.

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自1890年以来一直是英国保护国的桑给巴尔独立。Zanzibar became independent, after being a British Protectorate since 1890.

1892年的协定确定了巴林是英国的保护国。Other agreements in 1880 and 1892 sealed the protectorate status of Bahrain to the British.

法兰西军队被孤立,并于1800年投降,马其他岛成为英国的摄政国。The isolated French forces surrendered in 1800, and the island became a British protectorate.

英国在苏伊士运河的兴趣导致了英国保护国的成立。Great Britain's interest in the Suez Canal led to the establishment of a British protectorate.

从1863年起柬埔寨成为法国的保护国,直到1953年获得国家独立。Cambodia was a protectorate of France from 1863 until the country received independence in 1953.

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它围绕一颗不适宜居住的冰冻星球奥托普卢托尼亚旋转,奥托普卢托尼亚是潘托拉人的保护地。It orbits an inhospitable ice world named Orto Plutonia, which was a protectorate of the Pantorans.

1889年以后受英国管辖,1924年又成为其保护国,1964年获得独立。Under British jurisdiction after 1889, it became a protectorate in 1924 and achieved independence in 1964.

在格兰人统治时期的马拉斯代尔,他们对当地原住民达格人的虐待是臭名昭著的。The Gran Protectorate of Malastare was particularly disreputable in its treatment of the indigenous Dug population.

在作为法国的保护国时,柬埔寨的烹饪也加入了法国烹饪的色彩。The cuisine of Cambodia also incorporated elements from French cuisine as a consequence of being a French protectorate.

19世纪末20世纪初,索马里北部地区曾经是英国的保护国——索马里兰的一部分。The northern region of Somalia was part of the British protectorate of Somaliland in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

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它在899年成为老挝的法国被保护国的首都,后来成为独立老挝的首都。It became the capital of the French protectorate of Laos in 899 and later the capital of independent Laos. Population, 20,000.

而在整个事件中最让人好奇的就是美国官员固执地要求继续维持对日本的保护关系。Yet what is most curious about the issue is the dogged insistence of American officials in maintaining the Japanese protectorate.

自1912年起,拉巴特一直是在法国保护之下的摩洛哥首都,1956年独立。Rabat was the capital of the French protectorate of Morocco from 1912 until independence was achieved in 1956. Population, 518,616.

阿克的前任阿克斯·莫在结束其政治生涯后,留给了阿克一个深陷丑闻、四面树敌的格兰保护国政府。The political career of Aak's predecessor, Aks Moe, left much of the Gran Protectorate mired in scandal and with no shortage of enemies.

自史前时代就有人类居住,在1891年该地区大部分成为德国的保护国。在1920年又作为坦噶尼喀转由英国人控制。Inhabited since prehistoric times, most of the region became a German protectorate in 1891 and passed to the British in 1920 as Tanganyika.

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再者,美国的强硬手段也许最终会使日本人民确信日本民族必须停止反抗而继续从属于美国。Moreover, Washington’s high-handedness may eventually convince the Japanese people that their nation must stop being an American protectorate.

中西非的一个地区,是原德国安全区。第一次世界大战后该领土被划分为英属喀麦隆和法属喀麦隆。A region and former German protectorate of west-central Africa. After World War I the territory was divided into British Cameroons and French Cameroons.

适用于露地、保护地的果蔬作物及花卉、中草药、大田作物等均可适用。Is suitable and so on is also suitable in the dew, protectorate fruits and vegetables crops and the flowers and plants, Chinese medicine, big field crops.