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这真是一个颠扑不破的实例。This was really irrefutable evidence.

在这样确凿的事实面前,他惊得哑口无言。In the face of such irrefutable FACTS, he was struck dumb.

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程如山说铁证如山还有什么好查的。ChengRuShan said irrefutable proof and what good look it up.

铁证如山,我方一举拿下最后一个日伪据点。Irrefutable evidence, we had the last one day every stronghold.

但是阿尔达纳说,朗伯里的证据是并非不可辩驳。But according to Aldana, Lounsbury's evidence is far from irrefutable.

没有冲突就没有戏剧,这是颠扑不破的艺术规律。It is an irrefutable law of art that there is no drama without conflicts.

他只会在不可辨驳的证据下才会愿意屈服。He's going to need some irrefutable proof before he'll be willing to bend.

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美方是否向中方提供过关于本·拉登的确凿证据,以证实他确实策划了“9·11”事件?Did the United States provide China with irrefutable evidence against Bin Ladin?

总而言之,这一问题中“无可辩驳的事实“到底是什么并不重要。In the end, what the "irrefutable facts" of the matter are doesn't really matter.

但是,一个不可辩驳的事实是,这些整型手术能够让医生变得富有。But the irrefutable fact of the matter is that these cosmetic procedures can make you rich.

行政权力独大在我国已经是不争的事实。It is an irrefutable fact in our country that administrative power grows larger and larger.

很多人认为他们所患癌症与暴露与接触有毒物质之间存在着颠扑不破的关联。Many consider the connection between their cancer and exposure and toxics to be irrefutable.

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嗯,三分之二的方法,通过他的论点博兰先生指出了一些不可置疑的事情。Well, two-thirds of the way through his argument Mr. Pollan points out something irrefutable.

在这间惨淡的屋子里,她父亲的呻吟诉苦盖过了一切,而且似乎是不容置辩的。Here, in the wretched room, her father's moaning was the dominant note and seemed irrefutable.

达赖集团的犯罪事实铁证如山,是抵赖不掉的。The crimes committed by the Dalai Clique are irrefutable and pinned down by ironclad evidence.

他强调,达赖集团犯罪事实“铁证如山、无法抵赖”。He emphasizes, amount to fact of crime of group bilking collect " irrefutable evidence, cannot deny ".

两国在战略上互相依赖从逻辑上无可辩驳,但敌不过彼此的深层次猜疑。The irrefutable logic of strategic interdependence struggles to compete with the deep mutual suspicion.

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“军民团结如一人,试看天下谁能敌”永远是颠扑不破的真理。It is an irrefutable truth that "so long as the army and people are united as one, they can defeat any enemy."

对此众说纷纭,并且所有的解释似乎都有证据的支持。A number of theories are put forward, all seemingly backed up by evidence which the theorists claim is irrefutable.

成年累月以自己的肉身来挑战这一无可辩驳的事实严重地损毁了杰克逊的身体和精神,并最终毁灭了他。Decades of throwing himself against this irrefutable wall of fact ravaged him, body then soul, and eventually destroyed him.