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我听到一些爆炸声。I heard some explosion.

爆炸使她失明。The explosion blinded her.

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珍珠奶茶会爆炸?。Pearl milk tea's explosion?

但是,要是没有这些爆发嘞?What if there was no explosion?

炸药把窗户炸开了。The explosion blew the window open.

爆炸把他抛进了大海。The explosion flung him into the sea.

爆炸震破了他的耳膜。The explosion perforated his eardrum.

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手动循环半自动喷爆。Manual loop semi-auto spray explosion.

产生蒸汽云爆炸,伴有榴散弹!Vapour Cloud Explosion with shrapnel !

爆炸的结果是很可怕的。The results of explosion were appalling.

听到爆炸声她紧张起来。She tensed up as she heard the explosion.

炸弹的爆炸声打破了四周的宁静。The explosion of bombs rent the serenity.

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这个军人在那次爆炸中双目失明。The soldier was blinded in the explosion.

爆炸声几乎把我们的耳朵震聋。We were almost deafened by the explosion.

火药把岩石炸碎。An explosion of gunpowder shatters a rock.

忽然,炸药炸开了一个入口。Suddenly, an explosion blasts an entrance.

什么引起来蒙特格兰德镇的爆炸?What caused the explosion in Monte Grande?

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爆炸把玻璃炸得四处飞散。The explosion sent glass flying everywhere.

塔科马的警方怎么说那个爆炸?What did tacoma pd say about the explosion?.

塔金在随后的爆炸中丧生。Tarkin was killed in the resulting explosion.