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我朋友特德喜欢。My friend Ted does.

特德听了很高兴。"Ted was very glad.

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或者是泰德,不如叫泰德好?Or Ted. Why not Ted?

泰德·邦迪,谁看出来了Ted Bundy. Who got that?

翻晒在雪晒太阳!Ted basking in the snow!

顺便说一下,我的名字叫泰得。By the way, my name is Ted.

我在泰德·贝克工作,Well, I work for Ted Baker.

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特德不温不火的样子能把人气疯。Ted could be maddeningly bland.

泰德把他所有的钱都赌输了。Ted gambled away all his money.

泰德把城镇的网涂成了红色。Ted painted the town’s net red.

Ted和白雪公主要去哪里?Where did Ted and Snow White go?

他真是一个爱书人。Ted loves everything about books.

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特德真是个墨守成规的人。Ted is a real stick- in- the- mud.

泰德把城镇的大象涂成了红色。Ted painted the town’s elephant red.

泰德只会重复老板说的话。Ted parroted what the boss had said.

特德·肯尼迪现在76岁了。Ted Kennedy is seventy-six years old.

泰德在一个大城镇的工厂里工作。Ted worked in a factory in a big town.

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而且这样的东西我在TED也找到了。And that’s exactly what I found in TED.

他想拉特德入伙参加那个骗局。He tried to rope Ted in on that swindle.

泰德和布鲁斯又在邦迪海滩见面了。Ted and Bruce meet again on Bondi Beach.