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今年他早早地前往圣路易斯以便适应新环境。This year he has left for St Louis early to acclimatise himself.

如果坐火车,我就能在路上逐渐适应那里的海拔了。If I went by train I could acclimatise to the altitude on the way there.

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这样的结果就是球员们必须也要适应足球的飞行。The upshot of this is that players must also acclimatise to the flight of the ball.

一直以来他都试着让自己尽快适应英格兰比赛风格,这场比赛他继续努力工作。He has continued to work hard as he has attempted to acclimatise to the English game.

或者他们有优良的经纪,这些经纪认为这是一个对那些巴西球员的一个很好的适应新环境的方法。Maybe they have good agents who think it is a good way for the Brazilian players to acclimatise.

我必须先适应球队的比赛风格和伦敦的生活环境。The comparison is flattering. But I need to adapt to the style of play and to acclimatise over here.

布鲁克纳博士在09-10赛季结尾阶段花了大概1个月时间熟悉了一下自己即将工作的环境。Dr Brukner spent a month at Melwood at the back end of 2009-10 to acclimatise to his new surroundings.

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本来我们就不适应当地的时差,这和我们平时的操作具有非常大的不同。Essentially we must not acclimatise to the local time, which is totally different to how we normally operate.

我需要一些时间来适应英格兰,不过,给我机会,我就可以向球迷们展示真正的我。I have needed some time to acclimatise to England but, given a chance, I can show the supporters the real me.

贝贝也说曼联的葡萄牙和巴西球员都在帮助自己适应英格兰。Bébé also said that United's Portuguese and Brazilian players were helping him acclimatise to life in England.

但是研究人员表明当酷热来临之前,男性与女性有规律的运动会帮助两者更好的适应环境。But researchers says that exercising regularly before a heatwave comes will help both men and women acclimatise better.

他们互相之间知根知底,这将会帮助维埃拉更快的适应曼彻斯特市政球场的生活。They'll know each other well and that will help Vieira acclimatise to life at the City of Manchester Stadium more quickly.

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举个例子,程心起了播音主持的作用,让读者适应每个新的时代,因为她恰好每次都得从冬眠中醒来。Cheng Xin, for instance. She acts as the narrative's anchor, allowing readers to acclimatise to each new Age just as she has to on every occasion she's awakened from hibernation.

这位英格兰和切尔西的双料队长和队友一起积极训练,以求参加在莫斯科的重要比赛。The Chelsea and England captain joined with his national team-mates on an artificial surface in Altrincham, Cheshire, as they acclimatise to the type of pitch that will be used for the game in Moscow.